All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AnnotationInfo Descriptor for method annotations.AnnotationUtils Utilities to manipulate Restlet annotations.AuthenticationInfo Preemptive authentication information.CacheDirective Directive for caching mechanisms along the call chain.ChallengeMessage Base authentication challenge message exchanged between an origin server and a client.ChallengeRequest Authentication challenge sent by an origin server to a client.ChallengeResponse Authentication response sent by client to an origin server.ChallengeScheme Challenge scheme used to authenticate remote clients.CharacterRepresentation Representation based on a BIO character stream.CharacterSet Metadata used to specify the character set of textual representations.Client Connector acting as a generic client.ClientInfo Client specific data related to a call.ClientList Modifiable list of client connectors.ClientProxy Marker interface for RESTful resource proxies.ClientProxyGenerator Deferred binding generator capable of creating a subclass ofClientProxy
implementing a custom Java interface, extending the markerClientProxy
interface, and annotated with Restlet annotations such asGet
.ClientResource Client-side resource.Conditions Set of conditions applying to a request.Connector Restlet enabling communication between Components.Context Contextual data and services provided to a set of Restlets.Cookie Cookie provided by a client.CookieSetting Cookie setting provided by a server.Delete Annotation for methods that remove representations.Digest Describes a digest value and the digest algorithm used.Dimension Dimension on which the representations of a resource may vary.Disposition Describes the presentation of a single entity especially in the case of multipart documents.EmptyRepresentation Empty representation with no content.Encoding Modifier of a representation's media type.ExceptionHandler<E extends java.lang.Throwable> Form Form which is a specialized modifiable list of parameters.Get Annotation for methods that retrieve a resource representation.Header Represents an HTTP header.InputRepresentation Transient representation based on a BIO input stream.Language Language used in representations and preferences.MediaType Metadata used to specify the format of representations.Message Generic message exchanged between components.Metadata Representations metadata for content negotiation.MetadataService Application service providing access to metadata and their associated extension names.Method Method to execute when handling a call.NamedValue<V> String couple between a name and a value.ObjectRepresentation<T> Representation based on a serializable Java object.Options Annotation for methods that describe a resource.Parameter Multi-usage parameter.Patch Annotation for methods that apply submitted representations as a patch.Post Annotation for methods that accept submitted representations.Preference<T extends Metadata> Metadata preference definition.Product Product tokens are used to allow communicating applications to identify themselves by software name and version.Protocol Protocol used by client and server connectors.Put Annotation for methods that store submitted representations.Range Describes a range of bytes.RecipientInfo Describes an intermediary via which the call went through.Reference Reference to a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).ReferenceList List of URI references.Representation Current or intended state of a resource.RepresentationInfo Information about a representation.Request Generic request sent by client connectors.Resource Base resource class exposing the uniform REST interface.ResourceException Encapsulates a response status and the optional cause as a checked exception.Response Generic response sent by server connectors.Restlet Uniform class that provides a context and life cycle support.Result<T> Callback interface for asynchronous tasks.Series<T extends NamedValue<java.lang.String>> Modifiable list of entries with many helper methods.ServerInfo Server specific data related to a call.Service Generic service associated to a component or an application.Status Status to return after handling a call.Status Annotation forThrowable
that map to HTTP error statuses.StreamRepresentation Representation based on a BIO stream.StringRepresentation Represents an Unicode string that can be converted to any character set supported by Java.Tag Validation tag equivalent to an HTTP entity tag (E-Tag).Uniform Uniform REST interface.Variant Descriptor for available representations of a resource.Warning Additional information about the status or transformation of a request or response.WrapperList<E> List wrapper.WrapperMap<K,V> Map wrapper.WrapperRepresentation Representation wrapper.WrapperRequest Request wrapper.WrapperResponse Request wrapper.WrapperRestlet Restlet wrapper.