Class ClientProxyGenerator

  • public class ClientProxyGenerator
    extends Generator
    Deferred binding generator capable of creating a subclass of ClientProxy implementing a custom Java interface, extending the marker ClientProxy interface, and annotated with Restlet annotations such as Get, Post, Put or Delete.
    Jerome Louvel
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String generate​(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, java.lang.String typeQName)  
      protected void generateContructor()
      Generates the default constructor.
      protected void generateFields​( serializableTypeOracle)
      Generates the private members of the proxy class.
      protected void generateMethod​(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
      Generates the code of a given Java method (must be correctly annotated using Restlet annotation).
      protected void generateProxy()
      Generates the code of the proxy class.
      protected void generateSerializers()
      Generates the code of the necessary object serializers.
      protected java.lang.String getClassName()
      Returns the name of the proxy class that will be generated.
      protected JClassType getClassType()
      Returns the parent type.
      protected GeneratorContext getContext()
      Returns the context object that provides metadata to defered binding generators.
      protected TreeLogger getLogger()
      Returns the logger used by the deferred binding generator.
      protected java.lang.String getPackageName()
      Returns the package name of the parent type.
      protected getSourceWriter()
      Returns the writer used for the content of the proxy class.
      protected getSto()
      Returns the serializer class.
      protected getStob()
      Returns the builder of the serializer class.
      protected TypeOracle getTypeOracle()
      Returns the type oracle for the current generator context.
      protected java.lang.String getTypeQName()
      Returns the parent type for which a default constructible subclass will be generated.
      protected void indent()
      Increments the indentation of the generated source code.
      protected void outdent()
      Decrements the indentation of the generated source code.
      protected void print​(java.lang.String value)
      Prints the given value in the generated source code.
      protected void println()
      Terminates the current line with a new line separator.
      protected void println​(java.lang.String value)
      Prints the given value in the generated source code and terminates the current line with a new line separator.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientProxyGenerator

        public ClientProxyGenerator()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • generateContructor

        protected void generateContructor()
        Generates the default constructor.
      • generateFields

        protected void generateFields​( serializableTypeOracle)
        Generates the private members of the proxy class.
        serializableTypeOracle - The type of the object serializer/deserializer.
      • generateMethod

        protected void generateMethod​(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Generates the code of a given Java method (must be correctly annotated using Restlet annotation).
        method - The Java method.
      • generateProxy

        protected void generateProxy()
                              throws java.lang.Exception
        Generates the code of the proxy class.
      • getClassName

        protected java.lang.String getClassName()
        Returns the name of the proxy class that will be generated.
        The name of the proxy class that will be generated.
      • getClassType

        protected JClassType getClassType()
        Returns the parent type.
        The parent type.
      • getContext

        protected GeneratorContext getContext()
        Returns the context object that provides metadata to defered binding generators.
        The context object that provides metadata to defered binding generators.
      • getLogger

        protected TreeLogger getLogger()
        Returns the logger used by the deferred binding generator.
        The logger used by the deferred binding generator.
      • getPackageName

        protected java.lang.String getPackageName()
        Returns the package name of the parent type.
        The package name of the parent type.
      • getSourceWriter

        protected getSourceWriter()
        Returns the writer used for the content of the proxy class.
        The writer used for the content of the proxy class.
      • getSto

        protected getSto()
        Returns the serializer class.
        The serializer class.
      • getStob

        protected getStob()
        Returns the builder of the serializer class.
        The builder of the serializer class.
      • getTypeOracle

        protected TypeOracle getTypeOracle()
        Returns the type oracle for the current generator context.
        The type oracle for the current generator context.
      • getTypeQName

        protected java.lang.String getTypeQName()
        Returns the parent type for which a default constructible subclass will be generated.
        The parent type for which a default constructible subclass will be generated.
      • indent

        protected void indent()
        Increments the indentation of the generated source code.
      • outdent

        protected void outdent()
        Decrements the indentation of the generated source code.
      • print

        protected void print​(java.lang.String value)
        Prints the given value in the generated source code.
        value - The value to write.
      • println

        protected void println()
        Terminates the current line with a new line separator.
      • println

        protected void println​(java.lang.String value)
        Prints the given value in the generated source code and terminates the current line with a new line separator.
        value - The value to write.