Class Reference

  • public class Reference
    extends java.lang.Object
    Reference to a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Contrary to the class, this interface represents mutable references. It strictly conforms to the RFC 3986 specifying URIs and follow its naming conventions.
     URI reference        = absolute-reference | relative-reference
     absolute-reference   = scheme ":" scheme-specific-part [ "#" fragment ]
     scheme-specific-part = ( hierarchical-part [ "?" query ] ) | opaque-part
     hierarchical-part    = ( "//" authority path-abempty ) | path-absolute | path-rootless | path-empty
     authority            = [ user-info "@" ] host-domain [ ":" host-port ]
     relative-reference   = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
     relative-part        = ( "//" authority path-abempty ) | path-absolute | path-noscheme | path-empty
     path-abempty         = begins with "/" or is empty
     path-absolute        = begins with "/" but not "//"
     path-noscheme        = begins with a non-colon segment
     path-rootless        = begins with a segment
     path-empty           = zero characters

    Note that this class doesn't encode or decode the reserved characters. It assumes that the URIs or the URI parts passed in are properly encoded using the standard URI encoding mechanism. You can use the static "encode()" and "decode()" methods for this purpose. Note that if an invalid URI character is detected by the constructor or one of the setters, a trace will be logged and the character will be automatically encoded.

    The fundamental point to underline is the difference between an URI "reference" and an URI. Contrary to an URI (the target identifier of a REST resource), an URI reference can be relative (with or without query and fragment part). This relative URI reference can then be resolved against a base reference via the getTargetRef() method which will return a new resolved Reference instance, an absolute URI reference with no base reference and with no dot-segments (the path segments "." and "..").

    You can also apply the getTargetRef() method on absolute references in order to solve the dot-segments. Note that applying the getRelativeRef() method on an absolute reference returns the current reference relatively to a base reference, if any, and solves the dot-segments.

    The Reference stores its data as a single string, the one passed to the constructor. This string can always be obtained using the toString() method. A couple of integer indexes are maintained to improve the extraction time of various reference properties (URI components).

    When you modify a specific component of the URI reference, via the setPath() method for example, the internal string is simply regenerated by updating only the relevant part. We try as much as possible to protect the bytes given to the Reference class instead of transparently parsing and normalizing the URI data. Our idea is to protect encodings and special characters in all case and reduce the memory size taken by this class while making Reference instances mutable.

    Because the base reference is only a property of the Reference ("baseRef"). When you use the "Reference(base, path)" constructor, it is equivalent to doing:
    ref = new Reference(path);

    The base ref is not automatically resolved or "merged" with the rest of the reference information (the path here). For example, this let's you reuse a single reference as the base of several relative references. If you modify the base reference, all relative references are still accurate.

    Note that the name and value properties are thread safe, stored in volatile members.
    Jerome Louvel
    See Also:
    RFC 3986
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Empty constructor.
      Reference​(java.lang.String uriReference)
      Constructor from an URI reference.
      Reference​(java.lang.String identifier, java.lang.String fragment)
      Constructor from an identifier and a fragment.
      Reference​(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String hostName, int hostPort, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String fragment)
      Constructor of absolute reference from its parts.
      Reference​(Protocol protocol, java.lang.String hostName)
      Constructor for a protocol and host name.
      Reference​(Protocol protocol, java.lang.String hostName, int hostPort)
      Constructor for a protocol, host name and host port
      Reference​(Reference ref)
      Clone constructor.
      Reference​(Reference baseRef, java.lang.String uriRef)
      Constructor from an URI reference (most likely relative).
      Reference​(Reference baseRef, java.lang.String relativePart, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String fragment)
      Constructor of relative reference from its parts.
      Reference​(Reference baseRef, Reference uriReference)
      Constructor from an URI reference (most likely relative).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Reference addQueryParameter​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      Adds a parameter to the query component.
      Reference addQueryParameter​(Parameter parameter)
      Adds a parameter to the query component.
      Reference addQueryParameters​(java.lang.Iterable<Parameter> parameters)
      Adds several parameters to the query component.
      Reference addSegment​(java.lang.String value)
      Adds a segment at the end of the path.
      static java.lang.String decode​(java.lang.String toDecode)
      Decodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism and the UTF-8 character set.
      static java.lang.String decode​(java.lang.String toDecode, CharacterSet characterSet)
      Decodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism.
      static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String toEncode)
      Encodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism and the UTF-8 character set.
      static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String toEncode, boolean queryString)
      Encodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism and the UTF-8 character set.
      static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String toEncode, boolean queryString, CharacterSet characterSet)
      Encodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism and the UTF-8 character set.
      static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String toEncode, CharacterSet characterSet)
      Encodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object object)
      Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
      java.lang.String getAuthority()
      Returns the authority component for hierarchical identifiers.
      java.lang.String getAuthority​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded authority component.
      Reference getBaseRef()
      Returns the base reference for relative references.
      java.lang.String getExtensions()
      Returns the optional extensions for hierarchical identifiers.
      java.lang.String[] getExtensionsAsArray()
      Returns the extensions as an array or null if no extension is found.
      java.lang.String getFragment()
      Returns the fragment identifier.
      Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
      java.lang.String getFragment​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded fragment identifier.
      java.lang.String getHierarchicalPart()
      Returns the hierarchical part which is equivalent to the scheme specific part less the query component.
      Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
      java.lang.String getHierarchicalPart​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded hierarchical part.
      java.lang.String getHostDomain()
      Returns the host domain name component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
      java.lang.String getHostDomain​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded host domain name component.
      java.lang.String getHostIdentifier()
      Returns the host identifier.
      java.lang.String getHostIdentifier​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded host identifier.
      int getHostPort()
      Returns the optional port number for server based hierarchical identifiers.
      java.lang.String getIdentifier()
      Returns the absolute resource identifier, without the fragment.
      Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
      java.lang.String getIdentifier​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded absolute resource identifier.
      java.lang.String getLastSegment()
      Returns the last segment of a hierarchical path.
      For example the "/a/b/c" and "/a/b/c/" paths have the same segments: "a", "b", "c.
      Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
      java.lang.String getLastSegment​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded last segment.
      java.lang.String getLastSegment​(boolean decode, boolean excludeMatrix)
      Returns the optionally decoded last segment.
      java.lang.String getMatrix()
      Returns the optional matrix for hierarchical identifiers.
      java.lang.String getMatrix​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded matrix.
      Form getMatrixAsForm()
      Returns the optional matrix as a form.
      Form getMatrixAsForm​(CharacterSet characterSet)
      Returns the optional matrix as a form submission.
      Reference getParentRef()
      Returns the parent reference of a hierarchical reference.
      java.lang.String getPath()
      Returns the path component for hierarchical identifiers.
      java.lang.String getPath​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded path component.
      java.lang.String getQuery()
      Returns the optional query component for hierarchical identifiers.
      Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
      java.lang.String getQuery​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded query component.
      Form getQueryAsForm()
      Returns the optional query component as a form.
      Form getQueryAsForm​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optional query component as a form.
      Form getQueryAsForm​(CharacterSet characterSet)
      Returns the optional query component as a form submission.
      java.lang.String getRelativePart()
      Returns the relative part of relative references, without the query and fragment.
      java.lang.String getRelativePart​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded relative part.
      Reference getRelativeRef()
      Returns the current reference as a relative reference to the current base reference.
      Reference getRelativeRef​(Reference base)
      Returns the current reference relatively to a base reference.
      java.lang.String getRemainingPart()
      Returns the part of the resource identifier remaining after the base reference.
      java.lang.String getRemainingPart​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionally decoded remaining part.
      java.lang.String getRemainingPart​(boolean decode, boolean query)
      Returns the optionally decoded remaining part with or without the query part of the reference.
      java.lang.String getScheme()
      Returns the scheme component.
      Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
      java.lang.String getScheme​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded scheme component.
      Protocol getSchemeProtocol()
      Returns the protocol associated with the scheme component.
      java.lang.String getSchemeSpecificPart()
      Returns the scheme specific part.
      Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
      java.lang.String getSchemeSpecificPart​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded scheme specific part.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSegments()
      Returns the list of segments in a hierarchical path.
      A new list is created for each call.
      Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSegments​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded list of segments.
      Reference getTargetRef()
      Returns the target reference.
      java.lang.String getUserInfo()
      Returns the user info component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
      Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
      java.lang.String getUserInfo​(boolean decode)
      Returns the optionnally decoded user info component.
      boolean hasExtensions()
      Indicates if this reference has file-like extensions on its last path segment.
      boolean hasFragment()
      Indicates if this reference has a fragment identifier.
      int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code value for the object.
      boolean hasMatrix()
      Indicates if this reference has a matrix.
      boolean hasQuery()
      Indicates if this reference has a query component.
      boolean hasScheme()
      Indicates if this reference has a scheme component.
      boolean isAbsolute()
      Indicates if the reference is absolute.
      boolean isEquivalentTo​(Reference ref)
      Returns true if both reference are equivalent, meaning that they resolve to the same target reference.
      static boolean isGenericDelimiter​(int character)
      Indicates if the given character is a generic URI component delimiter character.
      boolean isHierarchical()
      Indicates if the identifier is hierarchical.
      boolean isOpaque()
      Indicates if the identifier is opaque.
      boolean isParent​(Reference childRef)
      Indicates if the reference is a parent of the hierarchical child reference.
      boolean isRelative()
      Indicates if the reference is relative.
      static boolean isReserved​(int character)
      Indicates if the given character is a reserved URI character.
      static boolean isSubDelimiter​(int character)
      Indicates if the given character is an URI subcomponent delimiter character.
      static boolean isUnreserved​(int character)
      Indicates if the given character is an unreserved URI character.
      static boolean isValid​(int character)
      Indicates if the given character is a valid URI character.
      Reference normalize()
      Normalizes the reference.
      void setAuthority​(java.lang.String authority)
      Sets the authority component for hierarchical identifiers.
      void setBaseRef​(java.lang.String baseUri)
      Sets the base reference for relative references.
      void setBaseRef​(Reference baseRef)
      Sets the base reference for relative references.
      void setExtensions​(java.lang.String extensions)
      Sets the extensions for hierarchical identifiers.
      void setExtensions​(java.lang.String[] extensions)
      Sets the extensions based on an array of extension tokens (without dots).
      void setFragment​(java.lang.String fragment)
      Sets the fragment identifier.
      void setHostDomain​(java.lang.String domain)
      Sets the host domain component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
      void setHostPort​(java.lang.Integer port)
      Sets the optional port number for server based hierarchical identifiers.
      void setIdentifier​(java.lang.String identifier)
      Sets the absolute resource identifier.
      void setLastSegment​(java.lang.String lastSegment)
      Sets the last segment of the path.
      void setPath​(java.lang.String path)
      Sets the path component for hierarchical identifiers.
      void setProtocol​(Protocol protocol)
      Sets the scheme component based on this protocol.
      void setQuery​(java.lang.String query)
      Sets the query component for hierarchical identifiers.
      void setRelativePart​(java.lang.String relativePart)
      Sets the relative part for relative references only.
      void setScheme​(java.lang.String scheme)
      Sets the scheme component.
      void setSchemeSpecificPart​(java.lang.String schemeSpecificPart)
      Sets the scheme specific part.
      void setSegments​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> segments)
      Sets the segments of a hierarchical path.
      A new absolute path will replace any existing one.
      void setUserInfo​(java.lang.String userInfo)
      Sets the user info component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns the reference as an URI string.
      java.lang.String toString​(boolean query, boolean fragment)
      Returns the URI reference string.
      static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String hostName, java.lang.Integer hostPort, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String fragment)
      Creates a reference string from its parts.
      static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.String relativePart, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String fragment)
      Creates a relative reference string from its parts.
      static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String host, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String fragment)
      Creates a reference string from its parts.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Reference

        public Reference()
        Empty constructor.
      • Reference

        public Reference​(Protocol protocol,
                         java.lang.String hostName)
        Constructor for a protocol and host name. Uses the default port for the given protocol.
        protocol - Protocol/scheme to use
        hostName - The host name or IP address.
      • Reference

        public Reference​(Protocol protocol,
                         java.lang.String hostName,
                         int hostPort)
        Constructor for a protocol, host name and host port
        protocol - Protocol/scheme to use
        hostName - The host name or IP address.
        hostPort - The host port (default ports are correctly ignored).
      • Reference

        public Reference​(Reference ref)
        Clone constructor.
        ref - The reference to clone.
      • Reference

        public Reference​(Reference baseRef,
                         Reference uriReference)
        Constructor from an URI reference (most likely relative).
        baseRef - The base reference.
        uriReference - The URI reference, either absolute or relative.
      • Reference

        public Reference​(Reference baseRef,
                         java.lang.String uriRef)
        Constructor from an URI reference (most likely relative).
        baseRef - The base reference.
        uriRef - The URI reference, either absolute or relative.
      • Reference

        public Reference​(Reference baseRef,
                         java.lang.String relativePart,
                         java.lang.String query,
                         java.lang.String fragment)
        Constructor of relative reference from its parts.
        baseRef - The base reference.
        relativePart - The relative part component (most of the time it is the path component).
        query - The optional query component for hierarchical identifiers.
        fragment - The optional fragment identifier.
      • Reference

        public Reference​(java.lang.String uriReference)
        Constructor from an URI reference.
        uriReference - The URI reference, either absolute or relative.
      • Reference

        public Reference​(java.lang.String identifier,
                         java.lang.String fragment)
        Constructor from an identifier and a fragment.
        identifier - The resource identifier.
        fragment - The fragment identifier.
      • Reference

        public Reference​(java.lang.String scheme,
                         java.lang.String hostName,
                         int hostPort,
                         java.lang.String path,
                         java.lang.String query,
                         java.lang.String fragment)
        Constructor of absolute reference from its parts.
        scheme - The scheme ("http", "https" or "ftp").
        hostName - The host name or IP address.
        hostPort - The host port (default ports are correctly ignored).
        path - The path component for hierarchical identifiers.
        query - The optional query component for hierarchical identifiers.
        fragment - The optional fragment identifier.
    • Method Detail

      • decode

        public static java.lang.String decode​(java.lang.String toDecode)
        Decodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism and the UTF-8 character set.
        toDecode - The string to decode.
        The decoded string.
      • decode

        public static java.lang.String decode​(java.lang.String toDecode,
                                              CharacterSet characterSet)
        Decodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism. If the provided character set is null, the string is returned but not decoded. Note: The World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation states that UTF-8 should be used. Not doing so may introduce incompatibilities.
        toDecode - The string to decode.
        characterSet - The name of a supported character encoding.
        The decoded string or null if the named character encoding is not supported.
      • encode

        public static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String toEncode)
        Encodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism and the UTF-8 character set.
        toEncode - The string to encode.
        The encoded string.
      • encode

        public static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String toEncode,
                                              boolean queryString)
        Encodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism and the UTF-8 character set. Useful to prevent the usage of '+' to encode spaces (%20 instead). The '*' characters are encoded as %2A and %7E are replaced by '~'.
        toEncode - The string to encode.
        queryString - True if the string to encode is part of a query string instead of a HTML form post.
        The encoded string.
      • encode

        public static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String toEncode,
                                              boolean queryString,
                                              CharacterSet characterSet)
        Encodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism and the UTF-8 character set. Useful to prevent the usage of '+' to encode spaces (%20 instead). The '*' characters are encoded as %2A and %7E are replaced by '~'.
        toEncode - The string to encode.
        queryString - True if the string to encode is part of a query string instead of a HTML form post.
        characterSet - The supported character encoding.
        The encoded string.
      • encode

        public static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String toEncode,
                                              CharacterSet characterSet)
        Encodes a given string using the standard URI encoding mechanism. If the provided character set is null, the string is returned but not encoded. Note: The World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation states that UTF-8 should be used. Not doing so may introduce incompatibilities.
        toEncode - The string to encode.
        characterSet - The supported character encoding.
        The encoded string or null if the named character encoding is not supported.
      • isGenericDelimiter

        public static boolean isGenericDelimiter​(int character)
        Indicates if the given character is a generic URI component delimiter character.
        character - The character to test.
        True if the given character is a generic URI component delimiter character.
      • isReserved

        public static boolean isReserved​(int character)
        Indicates if the given character is a reserved URI character.
        character - The character to test.
        True if the given character is a reserved URI character.
      • isSubDelimiter

        public static boolean isSubDelimiter​(int character)
        Indicates if the given character is an URI subcomponent delimiter character.
        character - The character to test.
        True if the given character is an URI subcomponent delimiter character.
      • isUnreserved

        public static boolean isUnreserved​(int character)
        Indicates if the given character is an unreserved URI character.
        character - The character to test.
        True if the given character is an unreserved URI character.
      • isValid

        public static boolean isValid​(int character)
        Indicates if the given character is a valid URI character.
        character - The character to test.
        True if the given character is a valid URI character.
      • toString

        public static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.String scheme,
                                                java.lang.String hostName,
                                                java.lang.Integer hostPort,
                                                java.lang.String path,
                                                java.lang.String query,
                                                java.lang.String fragment)
        Creates a reference string from its parts.
        scheme - The scheme ("http", "https" or "ftp").
        hostName - The host name or IP address.
        hostPort - The host port (default ports are correctly ignored).
        path - The path component for hierarchical identifiers.
        query - The optional query component for hierarchical identifiers.
        fragment - The optional fragment identifier.
        The reference as String.
      • toString

        public static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.String relativePart,
                                                java.lang.String query,
                                                java.lang.String fragment)
        Creates a relative reference string from its parts.
        relativePart - The relative part component.
        query - The optional query component for hierarchical identifiers.
        fragment - The optional fragment identifier.
        The relative reference as a String.
      • toString

        public static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.String scheme,
                                                java.lang.String host,
                                                java.lang.String path,
                                                java.lang.String query,
                                                java.lang.String fragment)
        Creates a reference string from its parts.
        scheme - The scheme ("http", "https" or "ftp").
        host - The host name or IP address plus the optional port number.
        path - The path component for hierarchical identifiers.
        query - The optional query component for hierarchical identifiers.
        fragment - The optional fragment identifier.
        The reference a String.
      • addQueryParameter

        public Reference addQueryParameter​(Parameter parameter)
        Adds a parameter to the query component. The name and value are automatically URL encoded if necessary.
        parameter - The parameter to add.
        The updated reference.
      • addQueryParameter

        public Reference addQueryParameter​(java.lang.String name,
                                           java.lang.String value)
        Adds a parameter to the query component. The name and value are automatically URL encoded if necessary.
        name - The parameter name.
        value - The optional parameter value.
        The updated reference.
      • addQueryParameters

        public Reference addQueryParameters​(java.lang.Iterable<Parameter> parameters)
        Adds several parameters to the query component. The name and value are automatically URL encoded if necessary.
        parameters - The parameters to add.
        The updated reference.
      • addSegment

        public Reference addSegment​(java.lang.String value)
        Adds a segment at the end of the path. If the current path doesn't end with a slash character, one is inserted before the new segment value. The value is automatically encoded if necessary.
        value - The segment value to add.
        The updated reference.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object object)
        Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        object - The object to compare to.
        True if this object is the same as the obj argument.
      • getAuthority

        public java.lang.String getAuthority()
        Returns the authority component for hierarchical identifiers. Includes the user info, host name and the host port number.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The authority component for hierarchical identifiers.
      • getAuthority

        public java.lang.String getAuthority​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded authority component.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded authority component.
        See Also:
      • getBaseRef

        public Reference getBaseRef()
        Returns the base reference for relative references.
        The base reference for relative references.
      • getExtensions

        public java.lang.String getExtensions()
        Returns the optional extensions for hierarchical identifiers. An extensions part starts after the first '.' character of the last path segment and ends with either the end of the segment of with the first ';' character (matrix start). It is a token similar to file extensions separated by '.' characters. The value can be ommited.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The extensions or null.
        See Also:
        getExtensionsAsArray(), setExtensions(String)
      • getExtensionsAsArray

        public java.lang.String[] getExtensionsAsArray()
        Returns the extensions as an array or null if no extension is found.
        The extensions as an array or null if no extension is found.
        See Also:
      • getFragment

        public java.lang.String getFragment()
        Returns the fragment identifier.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The fragment identifier.
      • getFragment

        public java.lang.String getFragment​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded fragment identifier.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded fragment identifier.
        See Also:
      • getHierarchicalPart

        public java.lang.String getHierarchicalPart()
        Returns the hierarchical part which is equivalent to the scheme specific part less the query component.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The hierarchical part .
      • getHierarchicalPart

        public java.lang.String getHierarchicalPart​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded hierarchical part.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded hierarchical part.
        See Also:
      • getHostDomain

        public java.lang.String getHostDomain()
        Returns the host domain name component for server based hierarchical identifiers. It can also be replaced by an IP address when no domain name was registered.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The host domain name component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
      • getHostDomain

        public java.lang.String getHostDomain​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded host domain name component.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded host domain name component.
        See Also:
      • getHostIdentifier

        public java.lang.String getHostIdentifier()
        Returns the host identifier. Includes the scheme, the host name and the host port number.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The host identifier.
      • getHostIdentifier

        public java.lang.String getHostIdentifier​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded host identifier.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded host identifier.
        See Also:
      • getHostPort

        public int getHostPort()
        Returns the optional port number for server based hierarchical identifiers.
        The optional port number for server based hierarchical identifiers or -1 if the port number does not exist.
      • getIdentifier

        public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
        Returns the absolute resource identifier, without the fragment.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The absolute resource identifier, without the fragment.
      • getIdentifier

        public java.lang.String getIdentifier​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded absolute resource identifier.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded absolute resource identifier.
        See Also:
      • getLastSegment

        public java.lang.String getLastSegment()
        Returns the last segment of a hierarchical path.
        For example the "/a/b/c" and "/a/b/c/" paths have the same segments: "a", "b", "c.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The last segment of a hierarchical path.
      • getLastSegment

        public java.lang.String getLastSegment​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded last segment.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded last segment.
        See Also:
      • getLastSegment

        public java.lang.String getLastSegment​(boolean decode,
                                               boolean excludeMatrix)
        Returns the optionally decoded last segment.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        excludeMatrix - True if the matrix parameters are dropped from the segments.
        The optionally decoded last segment.
        See Also:
      • getMatrix

        public java.lang.String getMatrix()
        Returns the optional matrix for hierarchical identifiers. A matrix part starts after the first ';' character of the last path segment. It is a sequence of 'name=value' parameters separated by ';' characters. The value can be ommitted.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The matrix or null.
      • getMatrix

        public java.lang.String getMatrix​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded matrix.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded matrix.
        See Also:
      • getMatrixAsForm

        public Form getMatrixAsForm()
        Returns the optional matrix as a form.
        The optional matrix component as a form.
      • getMatrixAsForm

        public Form getMatrixAsForm​(CharacterSet characterSet)
        Returns the optional matrix as a form submission.
        characterSet - The supported character encoding.
        The optional matrix as a form.
      • getParentRef

        public Reference getParentRef()
        Returns the parent reference of a hierarchical reference. The last slash of the path will be considered as the end of the parent path.
        The parent reference of a hierarchical reference.
      • getPath

        public java.lang.String getPath()
        Returns the path component for hierarchical identifiers. If not path is available it returns null.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The path component for hierarchical identifiers.
      • getPath

        public java.lang.String getPath​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded path component. If not path is available it returns null.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded path component.
        See Also:
      • getQuery

        public java.lang.String getQuery()
        Returns the optional query component for hierarchical identifiers.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The query component or null.
      • getQuery

        public java.lang.String getQuery​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded query component.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded query component.
        See Also:
      • getQueryAsForm

        public Form getQueryAsForm()
        Returns the optional query component as a form.
        The optional query component as a form.
      • getQueryAsForm

        public Form getQueryAsForm​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optional query component as a form.
        decode - Indicates if the names and values should be automatically decoded.
        The optional query component as a form.
      • getQueryAsForm

        public Form getQueryAsForm​(CharacterSet characterSet)
        Returns the optional query component as a form submission.
        characterSet - The supported character encoding.
        The optional query component as a form submission.
      • getRelativePart

        public java.lang.String getRelativePart()
        Returns the relative part of relative references, without the query and fragment. If the reference is absolute, then null is returned.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The relative part.
      • getRelativePart

        public java.lang.String getRelativePart​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded relative part.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded relative part.
        See Also:
      • getRelativeRef

        public Reference getRelativeRef()
        Returns the current reference as a relative reference to the current base reference. This method should only be invoked for absolute references, otherwise an IllegalArgumentException will be raised.
        The current reference as a relative reference to the current base reference.
        See Also:
      • getRelativeRef

        public Reference getRelativeRef​(Reference base)
        Returns the current reference relatively to a base reference. This method should only be invoked for absolute references, otherwise an IllegalArgumentException will be raised.
        base - The base reference to use.
        The current reference relatively to a base reference.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the relative reference is computed although the reference or the base reference are not absolute or not hierarchical.
      • getRemainingPart

        public java.lang.String getRemainingPart()
        Returns the part of the resource identifier remaining after the base reference. Note that the optional fragment is not returned by this method. Must be used with the following prerequisites:
        • the reference is absolute
        • the reference identifier starts with the resource baseRef

        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The remaining resource part or null if the prerequisites are not satisfied.
        See Also:
      • getRemainingPart

        public java.lang.String getRemainingPart​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionally decoded remaining part.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionally decoded remaining part.
        See Also:
      • getRemainingPart

        public java.lang.String getRemainingPart​(boolean decode,
                                                 boolean query)
        Returns the optionally decoded remaining part with or without the query part of the reference.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        query - True if the query part should be returned, false otherwise.
        The optionally decoded remaining part.
        See Also:
      • getScheme

        public java.lang.String getScheme()
        Returns the scheme component.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The scheme component.
      • getScheme

        public java.lang.String getScheme​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded scheme component.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded scheme component.
        See Also:
      • getSchemeProtocol

        public Protocol getSchemeProtocol()
        Returns the protocol associated with the scheme component.
        The protocol associated with the scheme component.
      • getSchemeSpecificPart

        public java.lang.String getSchemeSpecificPart()
        Returns the scheme specific part.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The scheme specific part.
      • getSchemeSpecificPart

        public java.lang.String getSchemeSpecificPart​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded scheme specific part.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded scheme specific part.
        See Also:
      • getSegments

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSegments()
        Returns the list of segments in a hierarchical path.
        A new list is created for each call.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The segments of a hierarchical path.
      • getSegments

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSegments​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded list of segments.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded list of segments.
        See Also:
      • getTargetRef

        public Reference getTargetRef()
        Returns the target reference. This method resolves relative references against the base reference then normalize them.
        The target reference.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the base reference (after resolution) is not absolute.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the reference is relative and not base reference has been provided.
      • getUserInfo

        public java.lang.String getUserInfo()
        Returns the user info component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        The user info component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
      • getUserInfo

        public java.lang.String getUserInfo​(boolean decode)
        Returns the optionnally decoded user info component.
        decode - Indicates if the result should be decoded using the decode(String) method.
        The optionnally decoded user info component.
        See Also:
      • hasExtensions

        public boolean hasExtensions()
        Indicates if this reference has file-like extensions on its last path segment.
        True if there is are extensions.
        See Also:
      • hasFragment

        public boolean hasFragment()
        Indicates if this reference has a fragment identifier.
        True if there is a fragment identifier.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code value for the object.
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        A hash code value for the object.
      • hasMatrix

        public boolean hasMatrix()
        Indicates if this reference has a matrix.
        True if there is a matrix.
        See Also:
      • hasQuery

        public boolean hasQuery()
        Indicates if this reference has a query component.
        True if there is a query.
      • hasScheme

        public boolean hasScheme()
        Indicates if this reference has a scheme component.
        True if there is a scheme component.
      • isAbsolute

        public boolean isAbsolute()
        Indicates if the reference is absolute.
        True if the reference is absolute.
      • isEquivalentTo

        public boolean isEquivalentTo​(Reference ref)
        Returns true if both reference are equivalent, meaning that they resolve to the same target reference.
        ref - The reference to compare.
        True if both reference are equivalent.
      • isHierarchical

        public boolean isHierarchical()
        Indicates if the identifier is hierarchical.
        True if the identifier is hierarchical, false if it is opaque.
      • isOpaque

        public boolean isOpaque()
        Indicates if the identifier is opaque.
        True if the identifier is opaque, false if it is hierarchical.
      • isParent

        public boolean isParent​(Reference childRef)
        Indicates if the reference is a parent of the hierarchical child reference.
        childRef - The hierarchical reference.
        True if the reference is a parent of the hierarchical child reference.
      • isRelative

        public boolean isRelative()
        Indicates if the reference is relative.
        True if the reference is relative.
      • normalize

        public Reference normalize()
        Normalizes the reference. Useful before comparison between references or when building a target reference from a base and a relative references.
        The current reference.
      • setAuthority

        public void setAuthority​(java.lang.String authority)
        Sets the authority component for hierarchical identifiers.
        authority - The authority component for hierarchical identifiers.
      • setBaseRef

        public void setBaseRef​(Reference baseRef)
        Sets the base reference for relative references.
        baseRef - The base reference for relative references.
      • setBaseRef

        public void setBaseRef​(java.lang.String baseUri)
        Sets the base reference for relative references.
        baseUri - The base URI for relative references.
      • setExtensions

        public void setExtensions​(java.lang.String extensions)
        Sets the extensions for hierarchical identifiers. An extensions part starts after the first '.' character of the last path segment and ends with either the end of the segment of with the first ';' character (matrix start). It is a token similar to file extensions separated by '.' characters. The value can be ommited.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        extensions - The extensions to set or null (without leading or trailing dots).
        See Also:
        getExtensions(), getExtensionsAsArray(), setExtensions(String[])
      • setFragment

        public void setFragment​(java.lang.String fragment)
        Sets the fragment identifier.
        fragment - The fragment identifier.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the fragment parameter contains the fragment delimiter ('#').
      • setHostDomain

        public void setHostDomain​(java.lang.String domain)
        Sets the host domain component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
        domain - The host component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
      • setHostPort

        public void setHostPort​(java.lang.Integer port)
        Sets the optional port number for server based hierarchical identifiers.
        port - The optional port number for server based hierarchical identifiers.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the autority has not been defined.
      • setIdentifier

        public void setIdentifier​(java.lang.String identifier)
        Sets the absolute resource identifier.
        identifier - The absolute resource identifier.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the identifier parameter contains the fragment delimiter ('#').
      • setLastSegment

        public void setLastSegment​(java.lang.String lastSegment)
        Sets the last segment of the path. If no path is available, then it creates one and adds a slash in front of the given last segmetn.
        Note that no URI decoding is done by this method.
        lastSegment - The last segment of a hierarchical path.
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(java.lang.String path)
        Sets the path component for hierarchical identifiers.
        path - The path component for hierarchical identifiers.
      • setProtocol

        public void setProtocol​(Protocol protocol)
        Sets the scheme component based on this protocol.
        protocol - The protocol of the scheme component.
      • setQuery

        public void setQuery​(java.lang.String query)
        Sets the query component for hierarchical identifiers.
        query - The query component for hierarchical identifiers.
      • setRelativePart

        public void setRelativePart​(java.lang.String relativePart)
        Sets the relative part for relative references only.
        relativePart - The relative part to set.
      • setScheme

        public void setScheme​(java.lang.String scheme)
        Sets the scheme component.
        scheme - The scheme component.
      • setSchemeSpecificPart

        public void setSchemeSpecificPart​(java.lang.String schemeSpecificPart)
        Sets the scheme specific part.
        schemeSpecificPart - The scheme specific part.
      • setSegments

        public void setSegments​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> segments)
        Sets the segments of a hierarchical path.
        A new absolute path will replace any existing one.
        segments - The segments of the hierarchical path.
      • setUserInfo

        public void setUserInfo​(java.lang.String userInfo)
        Sets the user info component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
        userInfo - The user info component for server based hierarchical identifiers.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the autority part has not been defined.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns the reference as an URI string.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        The reference as an URI string.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(boolean query,
                                         boolean fragment)
        Returns the URI reference string.
        query - Indicates if the query should be included;
        fragment - Indicates if the fragment should be included;
        The URI reference string.