Class Context

  • public class Context
    extends java.lang.Object
    Contextual data and services provided to a set of Restlets. The context is the means by which a Restlet may access the software environment within the framework. It is typically provided by the immediate parent Restlet (Application is the most common case).

    Concurrency note: attributes and parameters of a context are stored in concurrent collections that guarantee thread safe access and modification. If several threads concurrently access objects and modify these collections, they should synchronize on the lock of the Context instance.
    Jerome Louvel
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Context​(java.lang.String loggerName)
      Context​(java.util.logging.Logger logger)
    • Constructor Detail

      • Context

        public Context()
        Constructor. Writes log messages to "org.restlet.client".
      • Context

        public Context​(java.util.logging.Logger logger)
        logger - The logger instance of use.
      • Context

        public Context​(java.lang.String loggerName)
        loggerName - The name of the logger to use.
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentLogger

        public static java.util.logging.Logger getCurrentLogger()
        Returns the current context's logger.
        The current context's logger.
      • createChildContext

        public Context createChildContext()
        Creates a protected child context. This is especially useful for new application attached to their parent component, to ensure their isolation from the other applications. By default it creates a new context instance with empty or null properties, except the client and server dispatchers that are wrapped for isolation purpose.
        The child context.
      • getAttributes

        public java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getAttributes()
        Returns a modifiable attributes map that can be used by developers to save information relative to the context. This is a convenient means to provide common objects to all the Restlets and Resources composing an Application.

        In addition, this map is a shared space between the developer and the Restlet implementation. For this purpose, all attribute names starting with "org.restlet.client" are reserved. Currently the following attributes are used:
        list of currently used attributes
        Attribute name Class name Description
        org.restlet.client.application org.restlet.client.Application The parent application providing this context, if any.
        The modifiable attributes map.
      • getClientDispatcher

        public Restlet getClientDispatcher()
        Returns a request dispatcher to available client connectors. When you ask the dispatcher to handle a request, it will automatically select the appropriate client connector for your request, based on the request.protocol property or on the resource URI's scheme. This call is blocking and will return an updated response object.
        A request dispatcher to available client connectors.
      • getLogger

        public java.util.logging.Logger getLogger()
        Returns the logger.
        The logger.
      • getParameters

        public Series<Parameter> getParameters()
        Returns the modifiable series of parameters. A parameter is a pair composed of a name and a value and is typically used for configuration purpose, like Java properties. Note that multiple parameters with the same name can be declared and accessed.
        The modifiable series of parameters.
      • setAttributes

        public void setAttributes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> attributes)
        Sets the modifiable map of attributes. This method clears the current map and puts all entries in the parameter map.
        attributes - A map of attributes.
      • setClientDispatcher

        public void setClientDispatcher​(Restlet clientDispatcher)
        Sets the client dispatcher.
        clientDispatcher - The new client dispatcher.
      • setLogger

        public void setLogger​(java.util.logging.Logger logger)
        Sets the logger.
        logger - The logger.
      • setLogger

        public void setLogger​(java.lang.String loggerName)
        Sets the logger.
        loggerName - The name of the logger to use.
      • setParameters

        public void setParameters​(Series<Parameter> parameters)
        Sets the modifiable series of parameters. This method clears the current series and adds all entries in the parameter series.
        parameters - A series of parameters.