Class Request

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class Request
    extends Message
    Generic request sent by client connectors. It is then received by server connectors and processed by Restlets. This request can also be processed by a chain of Restlets, on both client and server sides. Requests are uniform across all types of connectors, protocols and components.
    Jerome Louvel
    See Also:
    Response, Uniform
    • Constructor Detail

      • Request

        public Request()
      • Request

        public Request​(Method method,
                       Reference resourceRef)
        method - The call's method.
        resourceRef - The resource reference.
      • Request

        public Request​(Method method,
                       Reference resourceRef,
                       Representation entity)
        method - The call's method.
        resourceRef - The resource reference.
        entity - The entity.
      • Request

        public Request​(Method method,
                       java.lang.String resourceUri)
        method - The call's method.
        resourceUri - The resource URI.
      • Request

        public Request​(Method method,
                       java.lang.String resourceUri,
                       Representation entity)
        method - The call's method.
        resourceUri - The resource URI.
        entity - The entity.
      • Request

        public Request​(Request request)
        Copy constructor.
        request - The request to copy.
    • Method Detail

      • abort

        public boolean abort()
        Ask the connector to attempt to abort the related network connection, for example immediately closing the socket.
        True if the request was aborted.
      • commit

        public void commit​(Response response)
        Asks the server connector to immediately commit the given response associated to this request, making it ready to be sent back to the client. Note that all server connectors don't necessarily support this feature.
        response - The response to commit.
      • getAccessControlRequestHeaders

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAccessControlRequestHeaders()
        Returns the modifiable set of headers the client is willing to send in future request to this resource. Used when issuing a preflight CORS request to let the origin server knows what headers will be sent later.
        Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header.
        The headers the client is willing to send in future request to this resource. Useful for CORS support.
      • getAccessControlRequestMethod

        public Method getAccessControlRequestMethod()
        Returns the method the client is willing to use in future request to this resource. Used when issuing a preflight CORS request to let the origin server knows what method will be sent later.
        Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Access-Control-Request-Method" header.
        The method the client is willing to send in future request to this resource. Useful for CORS support.
      • getChallengeResponse

        public ChallengeResponse getChallengeResponse()
        Returns the authentication response sent by a client to an origin server. Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Authorization" header.
        The authentication response sent by a client to an origin server.
      • getClientInfo

        public ClientInfo getClientInfo()
        Returns the client-specific information. Creates a new instance if no one has been set.
        The client-specific information.
      • getConditions

        public Conditions getConditions()
        Returns the modifiable conditions applying to this request. Creates a new instance if no one has been set.
        The conditions applying to this call.
      • getCookies

        public Series<Cookie> getCookies()
        Returns the modifiable series of cookies provided by the client. Creates a new instance if no one has been set.

        Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Cookie" header.
        The cookies provided by the client.
      • getHostRef

        public Reference getHostRef()
        Returns the host reference. This may be different from the resourceRef's host, for example for URNs and other URIs that don't contain host information.

        Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Host" header.
        The host reference.
      • getMaxForwards

        public int getMaxForwards()
        Returns the maximum number of intermediaries.
        The maximum number of intermediaries.
      • getMethod

        public Method getMethod()
        Returns the method.
        The method.
      • getOnResponse

        public Uniform getOnResponse()
        Returns the callback invoked on response reception. If the value is not null, then the associated request will be executed asynchronously.
        The callback invoked on response reception.
      • getOriginalRef

        public Reference getOriginalRef()
        Returns the original reference as requested by the client. Note that this property is not used during request routing. See the getResourceRef() method for details.
        The original reference.
        See Also:
      • getProtocol

        public Protocol getProtocol()
        Returns the protocol used or to be used, if known.
        The protocol used or to be used.
      • getRanges

        public java.util.List<Range> getRanges()
        Returns the ranges to return from the target resource's representation. Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Range" header.
        The ranges to return.
      • getReferrerRef

        public Reference getReferrerRef()
        Returns the referrer reference if available. Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Referer" header.
        The referrer reference.
      • getResourceRef

        public Reference getResourceRef()
        Returns the reference of the target resource. This reference is especially important during routing, dispatching and resource finding. During such processing, its base reference is constantly updated to reflect the reference of the parent Restlet or resource and the remaining part of the URI that must be routed or analyzed. If you need to get the URI reference originally requested by the client, then you should use the getOriginalRef() method instead. Also, note that beside the update of its base property, the resource reference can be modified during the request processing. For example, the org.restlet.client.service.TunnelService associated to an application can extract some special extensions or query parameters and replace them by semantically equivalent properties on the request object. Therefore, the resource reference can become different from the original reference. Finally, when sending out requests via a dispatcher such as Context.getClientDispatcher() or Context#getServerDispatcher(), if the reference contains URI template variables, those variables are automatically resolved using the request's attributes.
        The reference of the target resource.
        See Also:
        getOriginalRef(), getHostRef()
      • getRootRef

        public Reference getRootRef()
        Returns the application root reference.
        The application root reference.
      • isAsynchronous

        public boolean isAsynchronous()
        Indicates if the request is asynchronous. The test consist in verifying that the getOnResponse() method returns a callback object.
        True if the request is synchronous.
      • isEntityAvailable

        public boolean isEntityAvailable()
        Indicates if a content is available and can be sent. Several conditions must be met: the method must allow the sending of content, the content must exists and have some available data.
        isEntityAvailable in class Message
        True if a content is available and can be sent.
      • isExpectingResponse

        public boolean isExpectingResponse()
        Indicates if an associated response is expected.
        True if an associated response is expected.
      • isLoggable

        public boolean isLoggable()
        Indicates if the call is loggable
        True if the call is loggable
      • isSynchronous

        public boolean isSynchronous()
        Indicates if the request is synchronous. The test consist in verifying that the getOnResponse() method returns null.
        True if the request is synchronous.
      • setAccessControlRequestHeaders

        public void setAccessControlRequestHeaders​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> accessControlRequestHeaders)
        Sets the set of headers the client is willing to use in future request to this resource. Used when issuing a preflight CORS request to let the origin server knows what headers will be sent later.
        Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Access-Control-Request-Method" header.
        accessControlRequestHeaders - The set of headers the client is willing to send in future request to this resource. Useful for CORS support.
      • setAccessControlRequestMethod

        public void setAccessControlRequestMethod​(Method accessControlRequestMethod)
        Sets the method the client is willing to use in future request to this resource. Used when issuing a preflight CORS request to let the origin server knows what method will be sent later.
        Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Access-Control-Request-Method" header.
        accessControlRequestMethod - The method the client is willing to send in future request to this resource. Useful for CORS support.
      • setChallengeResponse

        public void setChallengeResponse​(ChallengeResponse challengeResponse)
        Sets the authentication response sent by a client to an origin server. Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Authorization" header.
        challengeResponse - The authentication response sent by a client to an origin server.
      • setClientInfo

        public void setClientInfo​(ClientInfo clientInfo)
        Sets the client-specific information.
        clientInfo - The client-specific information.
      • setConditions

        public void setConditions​(Conditions conditions)
        Sets the conditions applying to this request.
        conditions - The conditions applying to this request.
      • setCookies

        public void setCookies​(Series<Cookie> cookies)
        Sets the modifiable series of cookies provided by the client. Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Cookie" header. This method clears the current series and adds all entries in the parameter series.
        cookies - A series of cookies provided by the client.
      • setHostRef

        public void setHostRef​(Reference hostRef)
        Sets the host reference. Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Host" header.
        hostRef - The host reference.
      • setHostRef

        public void setHostRef​(java.lang.String hostUri)
        Sets the host reference using an URI string. Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Host" header.
        hostUri - The host URI.
      • setLoggable

        public void setLoggable​(boolean loggable)
        Indicates if the call is loggable
        loggable - True if the call is loggable
      • setMaxForwards

        public void setMaxForwards​(int maxForwards)
        Sets the maximum number of intermediaries.
        maxForwards - The maximum number of intermediaries.
      • setMethod

        public void setMethod​(Method method)
        Sets the method called.
        method - The method called.
      • setOnResponse

        public void setOnResponse​(Uniform onResponseCallback)
        Sets the callback invoked on response reception. If the value is not null, then the associated request will be executed asynchronously.
        onResponseCallback - The callback invoked on response reception.
      • setOriginalRef

        public void setOriginalRef​(Reference originalRef)
        Sets the original reference requested by the client.
        originalRef - The original reference.
        See Also:
      • setProtocol

        public void setProtocol​(Protocol protocol)
        Sets the protocol used or to be used.
        protocol - The protocol used or to be used.
      • setRanges

        public void setRanges​(java.util.List<Range> ranges)
        Sets the modifiable list of ranges to return from the target resource's representation. Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Range" header. This method clears the current list and adds all entries in the parameter list.
        ranges - A list of ranges.
      • setReferrerRef

        public void setReferrerRef​(Reference referrerRef)
        Sets the referrer reference if available. Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Referer" header.
        referrerRef - The referrer reference.
      • setReferrerRef

        public void setReferrerRef​(java.lang.String referrerUri)
        Sets the referrer reference if available using an URI string. Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this property maps to the "Referer" header.
        referrerUri - The referrer URI.
        See Also:
      • setResourceRef

        public void setResourceRef​(Reference resourceRef)
        Sets the target resource reference. If the reference is relative, it will be resolved as an absolute reference. Also, the context's base reference will be reset. Finally, the reference will be normalized to ensure a consistent handling of the call.
        resourceRef - The resource reference.
        See Also:
      • setResourceRef

        public void setResourceRef​(java.lang.String resourceUri)
        Sets the target resource reference using an URI string. Note that the URI can be either absolute or relative to the context's base reference.
        resourceUri - The resource URI.
        See Also:
      • setRootRef

        public void setRootRef​(Reference rootRef)
        Sets the application root reference.
        rootRef - The application root reference.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Displays a synthesis of the request like an HTTP request line.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A synthesis of the request like an HTTP request line.