Class RouteList

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Iterable<Route>, java.util.Collection<Route>, java.util.List<Route>

    public final class RouteList
    extends WrapperList<Route>
    Modifiable list of routes with some helper methods. Note that this class implements the List interface using the Route class as the generic type. This allows you to use an instance of this class as any other List, in particular all the helper methods in Collections.

    Note that structural changes to this list are thread-safe, using an underlying CopyOnWriteArrayList.
    Jerome Louvel
    See Also:
    Collections, List
    • Constructor Detail

      • RouteList

        public RouteList()
      • RouteList

        public RouteList​(java.util.List<Route> delegate)
        delegate - The delegate list.
    • Method Detail

      • getBest

        public Route getBest​(Request request,
                             Response response,
                             float requiredScore)
        Returns the best route match for a given call.
        request - The request to score.
        response - The response to score.
        requiredScore - The minimum score required to have a match.
        The best route match or null.
      • getFirst

        public Route getFirst​(Request request,
                              Response response,
                              float requiredScore)
        Returns the first route match for a given call.
        request - The request to score.
        response - The response to score.
        requiredScore - The minimum score required to have a match.
        The first route match or null.
      • getLast

        public Route getLast​(Request request,
                             Response response,
                             float requiredScore)
        Returns the last route match for a given call.
        request - The request to score.
        response - The response to score.
        requiredScore - The minimum score required to have a match.
        The last route match or null.
      • getNext

        public Route getNext​(Request request,
                             Response response,
                             float requiredScore)
        Returns a next route match in a round robin mode for a given call.
        request - The request to score.
        response - The response to score.
        requiredScore - The minimum score required to have a match.
        A next route or null.
      • getRandom

        public Route getRandom​(Request request,
                               Response response,
                               float requiredScore)
        Returns a random route match for a given call. Note that the current implementation doesn't uniformly return routes unless they all score above the required score.
        request - The request to score.
        response - The response to score.
        requiredScore - The minimum score required to have a match.
        A random route or null.
      • removeAll

        public void removeAll​(Restlet target)
        Removes all routes routing to a given target.
        target - The target Restlet to detach.
      • subList

        public RouteList subList​(int fromIndex,
                                 int toIndex)
        Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
        Specified by:
        subList in interface java.util.List<Route>
        subList in class WrapperList<Route>
        fromIndex - The start position.
        toIndex - The end position (exclusive).
        The sub-list.