Class Resolver<T>

  • public abstract class Resolver<T>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Resolves a name into a value. By default, the createResolver(Map) static method can adapt a Java map into a resolver. Another useful method is createResolver(Request, Response), which can expose a Restlet call into a compact data model, with the following variables:
    list of supported variables
    Model property Variable name Content type
    request.confidential c boolean (true|false)
    request.clientInfo.address cia String
    request.clientInfo.upstreamAddress ciua String
    request.clientInfo.agent cig String
    request.challengeResponse.identifier cri String
    request.challengeResponse.scheme crs String d Date (HTTP format)
    request.entity.characterSet ecs String
    response.entity.characterSet ECS String
    request.entity.encoding ee String
    response.entity.encoding EE String
    request.entity.expirationDate eed Date (HTTP format)
    response.entity.expirationDate EED Date (HTTP format)
    request.entity.language el String
    response.entity.language EL String
    request.entity.modificationDate emd Date (HTTP format)
    response.entity.modificationDate EMD Date (HTTP format)
    request.entity.mediaType emt String
    response.entity.mediaType EMT String
    request.entity.size es Integer
    response.entity.size ES Integer
    request.entity.tag et String
    response.entity.tag ET String
    request.referrerRef f* Reference (see table below variable name sub-parts)
    request.hostRef h* Reference (see table below variable name sub-parts)
    request.method m String
    request.rootRef o* Reference (see table below variable name sub-parts)
    request.protocol p String
    request.resourceRef r* Reference (see table below variable name sub-parts)
    response.redirectRef R* Reference (see table below variable name sub-parts)
    response.status S Integer
    response.serverInfo.address SIA String
    response.serverInfo.agent SIG String
    response.serverInfo.port SIP Integer

    Below is the list of name sub-parts, for Reference variables, that can replace the asterix in the variable names above:

    list of name sub-parts, for Reference variables, that can replace the asterix in the variable names above
    Reference property Sub-part name Content type
    authority a String
    baseRef b* Reference
    targetRef t* Reference
    relativePart e String
    fragment f String
    hostIdentifier h String
    identifier i String
    path p String
    query q String
    remainingPart r String
    Jerome Louvel
    • Constructor Detail

      • Resolver

        public Resolver()
    • Method Detail

      • createResolver

        public static Resolver<?> createResolver​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> map)
        Creates a resolver that is based on a given map.
        map - Map between names and values.
        The map resolver.
      • createResolver

        public static Resolver<?> createResolver​(Request request,
                                                 Response response)
        Creates a resolver that is based on a call (request, response couple). It first looks up the response attributes, then the request attributes and finally the variables listed in this class Javadocs above.
        request - The request.
        response - The response.
        The call resolver.
      • resolve

        public abstract T resolve​(java.lang.String name)
        Resolves a name into a value.
        name - The name to resolve.
        The resolved value.