Representation |
ClientResource.delete() |
Deletes the target resource and all its representations.
Representation |
ClientResource.delete(MediaType mediaType) |
Deletes the target resource and all its representations.
protected void |
Resource.doInit() |
Set-up method that can be overridden in order to initialize the state of
the resource.
protected void |
ClientResource.doRelease() |
Releases the resource by stopping any connector automatically created and
associated to the "next" property (see ClientResource.getNext() method.
protected void |
Resource.doRelease() |
Clean-up method that can be overridden in order to release the state of
the resource.
Representation |
ClientResource.get() |
Represents the resource using content negotiation to select the best
variant based on the client preferences.
Representation |
ClientResource.get(MediaType mediaType) |
Represents the resource using a given media type.
ClientResource |
ClientResource.getChild(java.lang.String relativeUri) |
Returns the child resource defined by its URI relatively to the current
ClientResource |
ClientResource.getChild(Reference relativeRef) |
Returns the child resource defined by its URI relatively to the current
ClientResource |
ClientResource.getParent() |
Returns the parent resource.
Representation |
ClientResource.head() |
Represents the resource using content negotiation to select the best
variant based on the client preferences.
Representation |
ClientResource.head(MediaType mediaType) |
Represents the resource using a given media type.
Representation |
ClientResource.options() |
Describes the resource using content negotiation to select the best
variant based on the client preferences.
Representation |
ClientResource.options(MediaType mediaType) |
Describes the resource using a given media type.
Representation |
ClientResource.patch(java.lang.Object entity) |
Patches a resource with the given object as delta state.
Representation |
ClientResource.patch(java.lang.Object entity,
MediaType mediaType) |
Patches a resource with the given object as delta state.
Representation |
ClientResource.patch(Representation entity) |
Patches a resource with the given representation as delta state.
Representation | entity) |
Posts an object entity.
Representation | entity,
MediaType mediaType) |
Posts an object entity.
Representation | entity) |
Posts a representation.
Representation |
ClientResource.put(java.lang.Object entity) |
Puts an object entity.
Representation |
ClientResource.put(java.lang.Object entity,
MediaType mediaType) |
Puts an object entity.
Representation |
ClientResource.put(Representation entity) |
Creates or updates a resource with the given representation as new state
to be stored.