Package | Description |
org.restlet.ext.atom |
Support for the Atom syndication and the AtomPub (Atom Publication Protocol) standards in their 1.0 version.
org.restlet.ext.crypto |
Support for cryptography including Amazon S3 and Windows Azure client authentication.
org.restlet.ext.html |
Support for the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) standard in its 4.0 version and above.
org.restlet.ext.jaas |
Support for JAAS authentication and authorization framework.
org.restlet.ext.jaxrs |
Support for JAX-RS API.
org.restlet.ext.json |
Support for JSON representations.
org.restlet.ext.oauth |
Support for OAuth 2.0 HTTP authentication.
org.restlet.ext.odata |
Support for the OData web protocol.
org.restlet.ext.openid |
Support for OpenID 2.0 HTTP authentication.
org.restlet.ext.rdf |
Support for the RDF parsing and generation.
org.restlet.ext.wadl |
Support the WADL specification.
org.restlet.ext.xml |
Support for XML and XSLT representations.
Package | Description |
org.restlet.ext.httpclient |
Integration with Apache HTTP Client 4.5.
org.restlet.ext.javamail |
Integration with JavaMail 1.4 (POP3 and SMTP clients).
org.restlet.ext.jetty |
Integration with Jetty 9.4 which is a new implementation of the
popular Jetty web server.
org.restlet.ext.nio |
Integration with Java NIO package.
org.restlet.ext.simple |
Integration with Simple framework 5.1.
Package | Description |
org.restlet.ext.emf |
Integration with EMF 2.6.
org.restlet.ext.fileupload |
Integration with Apache FileUpload 1.5 library.
org.restlet.ext.freemarker |
Integration with FreeMarker 2.3 template library.
org.restlet.ext.gson |
Integration with Gson 2.10.
org.restlet.ext.guice |
Integration with Google Guice 6.0.
org.restlet.ext.gwt |
Server-side integration with GWT 2.3.
org.restlet.ext.jackson |
Integration with Jackson 2.17.
org.restlet.ext.jaxb |
Integration with Java XML Binding (JAXB) 2.3.
org.restlet.ext.jibx |
Integration with JiBX 1.4.
org.restlet.ext.lucene |
Integration with Apache Lucene 8.11.
org.restlet.ext.platform |
Integration with Restlet Cloud platform.
org.restlet.ext.raml |
Integration with Mulesoft Raml 0.8.
org.restlet.ext.slf4j |
Integration with SLF4J 2.0.
org.restlet.ext.spring |
Integration with Spring Framework 5.3.
org.restlet.ext.swagger |
Integration with Wordnik Swagger 1.5.
org.restlet.ext.thymeleaf |
Integration with Thymeleaf 2.1.
org.restlet.ext.velocity |
Integration with Apache Velocity 2.3.
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