Class Source

  • public class Source
    extends java.lang.Object
    Source feed's metadata for entries copied from another feed.
    Jerome Louvel
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.List<Person> getAuthors()
      Returns the authors of the entry.
      java.util.List<Category> getCategories()
      Returns the categories associated with the entry.
      java.util.List<Person> getContributors()
      Returns the contributors to the entry.
      Generator getGenerator()
      Returns the agent used to generate a feed. getIcon()
      Returns the image that provides iconic visual identification for a feed.
      java.lang.String getId()
      Returns the permanent, universally unique identifier for the entry.
      java.util.List<Link> getLinks()
      Returns the references from the entry to Web resources. getLogo()
      Returns the image that provides visual identification for a feed.
      Text getRights()
      Returns the information about rights held in and over an entry.
      Text getSubtitle()
      Returns the short summary, abstract, or excerpt of an entry.
      Text getTitle()
      Returns the human-readable title for the entry.
      java.util.Date getUpdated()
      Returns the most recent moment when the entry was modified in a significant way.
      void setGenerator​(Generator generator)
      Sets the agent used to generate a feed.
      void setIcon​( icon)
      Sets the image that provides iconic visual identification for a feed.
      void setId​(java.lang.String id)
      Sets the permanent, universally unique identifier for the entry.
      void setLogo​( logo)
      Sets the image that provides visual identification for a feed.
      void setRights​(Text rights)
      Sets the information about rights held in and over an entry.
      void setSubtitle​(Text subtitle)
      Sets the short summary, abstract, or excerpt of an entry.
      void setTitle​(Text title)
      Sets the human-readable title for the entry.
      void setUpdated​(java.util.Date updated)
      Sets the most recent moment when the entry was modified in a significant way.
      void writeElement​(XmlWriter writer)
      Writes the current object as an XML element using the given SAX writer.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Source

        public Source()
    • Method Detail

      • getAuthors

        public java.util.List<Person> getAuthors()
        Returns the authors of the entry.
        The authors of the entry.
      • getCategories

        public java.util.List<Category> getCategories()
        Returns the categories associated with the entry.
        The categories associated with the entry.
      • getContributors

        public java.util.List<Person> getContributors()
        Returns the contributors to the entry.
        The contributors to the entry.
      • getGenerator

        public Generator getGenerator()
        Returns the agent used to generate a feed.
        The agent used to generate a feed.
      • getIcon

        public getIcon()
        Returns the image that provides iconic visual identification for a feed.
        The image that provides iconic visual identification for a feed.
      • getId

        public java.lang.String getId()
        Returns the permanent, universally unique identifier for the entry.
        The permanent, universally unique identifier for the entry.
      • getLinks

        public java.util.List<Link> getLinks()
        Returns the references from the entry to Web resources.
        The references from the entry to Web resources.
      • getLogo

        public getLogo()
        Returns the image that provides visual identification for a feed.
        The image that provides visual identification for a feed.
      • getRights

        public Text getRights()
        Returns the information about rights held in and over an entry.
        The information about rights held in and over an entry.
      • getSubtitle

        public Text getSubtitle()
        Returns the short summary, abstract, or excerpt of an entry.
        The short summary, abstract, or excerpt of an entry.
      • getTitle

        public Text getTitle()
        Returns the human-readable title for the entry.
        The human-readable title for the entry.
      • getUpdated

        public java.util.Date getUpdated()
        Returns the most recent moment when the entry was modified in a significant way.
        The most recent moment when the entry was modified in a significant way.
      • setGenerator

        public void setGenerator​(Generator generator)
        Sets the agent used to generate a feed.
        generator - The agent used to generate a feed.
      • setIcon

        public void setIcon​( icon)
        Sets the image that provides iconic visual identification for a feed.
        icon - The image that provides iconic visual identification for a feed.
      • setId

        public void setId​(java.lang.String id)
        Sets the permanent, universally unique identifier for the entry.
        id - The permanent, universally unique identifier for the entry.
      • setLogo

        public void setLogo​( logo)
        Sets the image that provides visual identification for a feed.
        logo - The image that provides visual identification for a feed.
      • setRights

        public void setRights​(Text rights)
        Sets the information about rights held in and over an entry.
        rights - The information about rights held in and over an entry.
      • setSubtitle

        public void setSubtitle​(Text subtitle)
        Sets the short summary, abstract, or excerpt of an entry.
        subtitle - The short summary, abstract, or excerpt of an entry.
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(Text title)
        Sets the human-readable title for the entry.
        title - The human-readable title for the entry.
      • setUpdated

        public void setUpdated​(java.util.Date updated)
        Sets the most recent moment when the entry was modified in a significant way.
        updated - The most recent moment when the entry was modified in a significant way.
      • writeElement

        public void writeElement​(XmlWriter writer)
                          throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
        Writes the current object as an XML element using the given SAX writer.
        writer - The SAX writer.