Class ConnegService

  • public class ConnegService
    extends Service
    Application service negotiating the preferred resource variants. This service is leveraged by server-side and client-side content negotiation, annotated method dispatching, and so on.
    Jerome Louvel
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnegService

        public ConnegService()
      • ConnegService

        public ConnegService​(boolean enabled)
        enabled - True if the service has been enabled.
    • Method Detail

      • getPreferredVariant

        public Variant getPreferredVariant​(java.util.List<? extends Variant> variants,
                                           Request request,
                                           MetadataService metadataService)
        Returns the best variant representation for a given resource according the the client preferences.
        A default language is provided in case the variants don't match the client preferences.
        variants - The list of variants to compare.
        request - The request including client preferences.
        metadataService - The metadata service used to get default metadata values.
        The preferred variant.
        See Also:
        Apache content negotiation algorithm
      • isStrict

        public boolean isStrict()
        Indicates if the conneg algorithm should strictly respect client preferences or be more flexible. Value is false by default.
        True if the conneg algorithm should strictly respect client preferences.
      • setStrict

        public void setStrict​(boolean strict)
        Indicates if the conneg algorithm should strictly respect client preferences or be more flexible.
        strict - True if the conneg algorithm should strictly respect client preferences.