Class CertificateAuthenticator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CertificateAuthenticator
    extends Authenticator
    Authenticator based on the SSL client certificate. If a client certificate is presented, and accepted by your SSL certificate truststore, it adds the Principal of its subject to the list of principals in the request's ClientInfo. It also sets the user to be a new User based on this Principal. getPrincipals(List) and getUser(Principal) can be overridden to change the default behavior.
    Bruno Harbulot (bruno/
    • Constructor Detail

      • CertificateAuthenticator

        public CertificateAuthenticator​(Context context)
        context -
    • Method Detail

      • getPrincipals

        protected java.util.List<> getPrincipals​(java.util.List<> certificateChain)
        Extracts the Principal of the subject to use from a chain of certificate. By default, this is the X500Principal of the subject subject of the first certificate in the chain.
        certificateChain - chain of client certificates.
        Principal of the client certificate or null if the chain is empty.
        See Also:
        X509Certificate, X500Principal
      • getUser

        protected User getUser​( principal)
        Creates a new User based on the subject's X500Principal. By default, the user name is the subject distinguished name, formatted accorded to RFC 2253. Some may choose to extract the Common Name only, for example.
        principal - subject's Principal (most likely X500Principal).
        User instance corresponding to this principal or null.
      • authenticate

        protected boolean authenticate​(Request request,
                                       Response response)
        Authenticates the call using the X.509 client certificate. The verification of the credentials is normally done by the SSL layer, via the TrustManagers. It uses the certificate chain in the request's "org.restlet.https.clientCertificates" attribute, adds the principal returned from this chain by getPrincipals(List) to the request's ClientInfo and set the user to the result of getUser(Principal) if that user is non-null. If no client certificate is available, then a 401 status is set.
        Specified by:
        authenticate in class Authenticator
        request - The request sent.
        response - The response to update.
        True if the authentication succeeded.