Class VirtualHost

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class VirtualHost
    extends Router
    Router of calls from Server connectors to Restlets. The attached Restlets are typically Applications.

    A virtual host is defined along three properties:
    • request's Request.getHostRef(): the URI of the host that received the request. Note that the same IP address can correspond to multiple domain names and therefore receive request with different "hostRef" URIs.
    • request's Request.getResourceRef(): the URI of the target resource of the request. If this reference is relative, then it is based on the "hostRef", otherwise it is maintained as received. This difference is useful for resources identified by URNs or for Web proxies or Web caches.
    • response's Response.getServerInfo(): the information about the server connector receiving the requests such as it IP address and port number.
    When creating a new instance, you can define Java regular expressions ( Pattern) that must match the domain name, port, scheme for references or IP address and port number for server information. The default values match everything.

    Concurrency note: instances of this class or its subclasses can be invoked by several threads at the same time and therefore must be thread-safe. You should be especially careful when storing state in member variables.
    Jerome Louvel
    See Also:
    Pattern, Wikipedia - Virtual Hosting, Apache - Virtual Hosting
    • Constructor Detail

      • VirtualHost

        public VirtualHost()
        Constructor. Note that usage of this constructor is not recommended as the virtual host won't have a proper context set. In general you will prefer to use the other constructor and pass it the parent component's context.
      • VirtualHost

        public VirtualHost​(Context parentContext)
        Constructor. Accepts all incoming requests by default, use the set methods to restrict the matchable patterns.
        parentContext - The parent component's context.
      • VirtualHost

        public VirtualHost​(Context parentContext,
                           java.lang.String hostDomain,
                           java.lang.String hostPort,
                           java.lang.String hostScheme,
                           java.lang.String resourceDomain,
                           java.lang.String resourcePort,
                           java.lang.String resourceScheme,
                           java.lang.String serverAddress,
                           java.lang.String serverPort)
        parentContext - The parent component's context.
        hostDomain - The hostRef host domain pattern to match.
        hostPort - The hostRef host port pattern to match.
        hostScheme - The hostRef scheme protocol pattern to match.
        resourceDomain - The resourceRef host domain pattern to match.
        resourcePort - The resourceRef host port pattern to match.
        resourceScheme - The resourceRef scheme protocol pattern to match.
        serverAddress - The listening server address pattern to match.
        serverPort - The listening server port pattern to match.
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrent

        public static java.lang.Integer getCurrent()
        Returns the virtual host code associated to the current thread. This variable is stored internally as a thread local variable and updated each time a call is routed by a virtual host.
        The current context.
      • getIpAddress

        public static java.lang.String getIpAddress​(java.lang.String domain)
        Returns the IP address of a given domain name.
        domain - The domain name.
        The IP address.
      • getLocalHostAddress

        public static java.lang.String getLocalHostAddress()
        Returns the local host IP address.
        The local host IP address.
      • getLocalHostName

        public static java.lang.String getLocalHostName()
        Returns the local host name.
        The local host name.
      • setCurrent

        public static void setCurrent​(java.lang.Integer code)
        Sets the virtual host code associated with the current thread.
        code - The thread's virtual host code.
      • attach

        public TemplateRoute attach​(Restlet target)
        Attaches a target Restlet to this router with an empty URI pattern. A new route will be added routing to the target when any call is received. In addition to super class behavior, this method will set the context of the target if it is empty by creating a protected context via the Context.createChildContext() method.
        attach in class Router
        target - The target Restlet to attach.
        The created route.
      • attach

        public TemplateRoute attach​(java.lang.String uriPattern,
                                    Restlet target)
        Attaches a target Restlet to this router based on a given URI pattern. A new route will be added routing to the target when calls with a URI matching the pattern will be received. In addition to super class behavior, this method will set the context of the target if it is empty by creating a protected context via the Context.createChildContext() method.
        attach in class Router
        uriPattern - The URI pattern that must match the relative part of the resource URI.
        target - The target Restlet to attach.
        The created route.
      • attachDefault

        public TemplateRoute attachDefault​(Restlet defaultTarget)
        Attaches a Restlet to this router as the default target to invoke when no route matches. It actually sets a default route that scores all calls to 1.0. In addition to super class behavior, this method will set the context of the target if it is empty by creating a protected context via the Context.createChildContext() method.
        attachDefault in class Router
        defaultTarget - The Restlet to use as the default target.
        The created route.
      • checkContext

        protected void checkContext​(Restlet target)
        Checks the context and sets it if necessary.
        target - The target Restlet.
      • createRoute

        protected TemplateRoute createRoute​(java.lang.String uriPattern,
                                            Restlet target,
                                            int matchingMode)
        Description copied from class: Router
        Creates a new route for the given URI pattern, target and matching mode. The route will match the URI query string depending on the result of Router.getDefaultMatchingQuery().
        createRoute in class Router
        uriPattern - The URI pattern that must match the relative part of the resource URI.
        target - The target Restlet to attach.
        matchingMode - The matching mode.
        The created route.
      • getHostDomain

        public java.lang.String getHostDomain()
        Returns the hostRef host domain to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        The hostRef host domain to match.
      • getHostPort

        public java.lang.String getHostPort()
        Returns the hostRef host port to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        The hostRef host port to match.
      • getHostScheme

        public java.lang.String getHostScheme()
        Returns the hostRef scheme to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        The hostRef scheme to match.
      • getResourceDomain

        public java.lang.String getResourceDomain()
        Returns the resourceRef host domain to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        The resourceRef host domain to match.
      • getResourcePort

        public java.lang.String getResourcePort()
        Returns the resourceRef host port to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        The resourceRef host port to match.
      • getResourceScheme

        public java.lang.String getResourceScheme()
        Returns the resourceRef scheme to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        The resourceRef scheme to match.
      • getServerAddress

        public java.lang.String getServerAddress()
        Returns the listening server address. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        The listening server address.
      • getServerPort

        public java.lang.String getServerPort()
        Returns the listening server port. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        The listening server port.
      • setContext

        public void setContext​(Context parentContext)
        Description copied from class: Restlet
        Sets the context.
        setContext in class Restlet
        parentContext - The context.
      • setHostDomain

        public void setHostDomain​(java.lang.String hostDomain)
        Sets the hostRef host domain to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        hostDomain - The hostRef host domain to match.
      • setHostPort

        public void setHostPort​(java.lang.String hostPort)
        Sets the hostRef host port to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        hostPort - The hostRef host port to match.
      • setHostScheme

        public void setHostScheme​(java.lang.String hostScheme)
        Sets the hostRef scheme to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        hostScheme - The hostRef scheme to match.
      • setResourceDomain

        public void setResourceDomain​(java.lang.String resourceDomain)
        Sets the resourceRef host domain to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        resourceDomain - The resourceRef host domain to match.
      • setResourcePort

        public void setResourcePort​(java.lang.String resourcePort)
        Sets the resourceRef host port to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        resourcePort - The resourceRef host port to match.
      • setResourceScheme

        public void setResourceScheme​(java.lang.String resourceScheme)
        Sets the resourceRef scheme to match. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        resourceScheme - The resourceRef scheme to match.
      • setServerAddress

        public void setServerAddress​(java.lang.String serverAddress)
        Sets the listening server address. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        serverAddress - The listening server address.
      • setServerPort

        public void setServerPort​(java.lang.String serverPort)
        Sets the listening server port. See the Pattern class for details on the syntax.
        serverPort - The listening server port.