Class ChallengeResponse

  • public final class ChallengeResponse
    extends ChallengeMessage
    Authentication response sent by client to an origin server. This is typically following a ChallengeRequest sent by the origin server to the client.

    Sometimes, it might be faster to preemptively issue a challenge response if the client knows for sure that the target resource will require authentication.

    Note that when used with HTTP connectors, this class maps to the "Authorization" header.
    Jerome Louvel
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChallengeResponse

        public ChallengeResponse​(ChallengeRequest challengeRequest,
                                 Response response,
                                 java.lang.String identifier,
                                 char[] secret)
        Constructor. It leverages the latest server response and challenge request in order to compute the credentials.
        challengeRequest - The challenge request sent by the origin server.
        response - The latest server response.
        identifier - The user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
        secret - The user secret, such as a password or a secret key, with no digest applied.
      • ChallengeResponse

        public ChallengeResponse​(ChallengeRequest challengeRequest,
                                 Response response,
                                 java.lang.String identifier,
                                 char[] secret,
                                 java.lang.String secretAlgorithm)
        Constructor. It leverages the latest server response and challenge request in order to compute the credentials.
        challengeRequest - The challenge request sent by the origin server.
        response - The latest server response.
        identifier - The user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
        secret - The user secret used to compute the secret, with an optional digest applied.
        secretAlgorithm - The digest algorithm of the user secret (see Digest class).
      • ChallengeResponse

        public ChallengeResponse​(ChallengeRequest challengeRequest,
                                 Response response,
                                 java.lang.String identifier,
                                 java.lang.String secret)
        Constructor. It leverages the latest server response and challenge request in order to compute the credentials.
        challengeRequest - The challenge request sent by the origin server.
        response - The latest server response.
        identifier - The user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
        secret - The user secret, such as a password or a secret key.
      • ChallengeResponse

        public ChallengeResponse​(ChallengeScheme scheme)
        Constructor with no credentials.
        scheme - The challenge scheme.
      • ChallengeResponse

        public ChallengeResponse​(ChallengeScheme scheme,
                                 Series<Parameter> parameters,
                                 java.lang.String identifier,
                                 char[] secret,
                                 java.lang.String secretAlgorithm,
                                 java.lang.String realm,
                                 java.lang.String quality,
                                 Reference digestRef,
                                 java.lang.String digestAlgorithm,
                                 java.lang.String opaque,
                                 java.lang.String clientNonce,
                                 java.lang.String serverNonce,
                                 int serverNounceCount,
                                 long timeIssued)
        scheme - The challenge scheme.
        parameters - The additional scheme parameters.
        identifier - The user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
        secret - The user secret, such as a password or a secret key.
        secretAlgorithm - The digest algorithm name optionally applied on the user secret.
        realm - The authentication realm.
        quality - The chosen quality of protection.
        digestRef - The Request.getResourceRef() value duplicated here in case a proxy changed it.
        digestAlgorithm - The digest algorithm.
        opaque - An opaque string of data which should be returned by the client unchanged.
        clientNonce - The client nonce value.
        serverNonce - The server nonce.
        serverNounceCount - The server nonce count.
        timeIssued - The time when the response was issued, as returned by System.currentTimeMillis().
      • ChallengeResponse

        public ChallengeResponse​(ChallengeScheme scheme,
                                 java.lang.String identifier,
                                 char[] secret)
        scheme - The challenge scheme.
        identifier - The user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
        secret - The user secret, such as a password or a secret key.
      • ChallengeResponse

        public ChallengeResponse​(ChallengeScheme scheme,
                                 java.lang.String identifier,
                                 char[] secret,
                                 Series<Parameter> parameters)
        scheme - The challenge scheme.
        identifier - The user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
        parameters - The additional scheme parameters.
      • ChallengeResponse

        public ChallengeResponse​(ChallengeScheme scheme,
                                 java.lang.String identifier,
                                 Series<Parameter> parameters)
        scheme - The challenge scheme.
        identifier - The user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
        parameters - The additional scheme parameters.
      • ChallengeResponse

        public ChallengeResponse​(ChallengeScheme scheme,
                                 java.lang.String identifier,
                                 java.lang.String secret)
        scheme - The challenge scheme.
        identifier - The user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
        secret - The user secret, such as a password or a secret key.
    • Method Detail

      • getClientNonce

        public java.lang.String getClientNonce()
        Returns the client nonce.
        The client nonce.
      • getDigestRef

        public Reference getDigestRef()
        Returns the Request.getResourceRef() value duplicated here in case a proxy changed it.
        The digest URI reference.
      • getIdentifier

        public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
        Returns the user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
        The user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
      • getPrincipal

        public getPrincipal()
        Gets the principal associated to the identifier property.
        The principal associated to the identifier property.
      • getQuality

        public java.lang.String getQuality()
        Returns the chosen quality of protection.
        The chosen quality of protection.
      • getSecret

        public char[] getSecret()
        Returns the user secret, such as a password or a secret key. It is not recommended to use String(char[]) for security reasons.
        The user secret, such as a password or a secret key.
      • getSecretAlgorithm

        public java.lang.String getSecretAlgorithm()
        Returns the digest algorithm name optionally applied on the user secret.
        The digest algorithm name optionally applied on the user secret.
      • getServerNounceCount

        public int getServerNounceCount()
        Returns the server nonce count.
        The server nonce count.
      • getServerNounceCountAsHex

        public java.lang.String getServerNounceCountAsHex()
        Returns the server nonce count as an hexadecimal string of eight characters.
        The server nonce count as an hexadecimal string.
      • getTimeIssued

        public long getTimeIssued()
        Returns the time when the response was issued, as returned by System.currentTimeMillis().
        The time when the response was issued.
      • setClientNonce

        public void setClientNonce​(java.lang.String clientNonce)
        Sets the client nonce.
        clientNonce - The client nonce.
      • setDigestRef

        public void setDigestRef​(Reference digestRef)
        Sets the digest URI reference.
        digestRef - The digest URI reference.
      • setIdentifier

        public void setIdentifier​(java.lang.String identifier)
        Sets the user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
        identifier - The user identifier, such as a login name or an access key.
      • setQuality

        public void setQuality​(java.lang.String quality)
        Sets the chosen quality of protection.
        quality - The chosen quality of protection.
      • setSecret

        public void setSecret​(char[] secret)
        Sets the user secret, such as a password or a secret key.
        secret - The user secret, such as a password or a secret key.
      • setSecret

        public void setSecret​(java.lang.String secret)
        Sets the user secret, such as a password or a secret key.
        secret - The user secret, such as a password or a secret key.
      • setSecretAlgorithm

        public void setSecretAlgorithm​(java.lang.String secretDigestAlgorithm)
        Sets the digest algorithm name optionally applied on the user secret.
        secretDigestAlgorithm - The digest algorithm name optionally applied on the user secret.
      • setServerNounceCount

        public void setServerNounceCount​(int serverNounceCount)
        Sets the server nonce count.
        serverNounceCount - The server nonce count.
      • setTimeIssued

        public void setTimeIssued​(long timeIssued)
        Sets the time when the response was issued, as returned by System.currentTimeMillis().
        timeIssued - The time when the response was issued.