All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description AtomConverter Converter between the Atom API and Representation classes.AwsAuthenticator Authenticator supporting theChallengeScheme.HTTP_AWS_S3
scheme.Categories Collection ofCategory
entries.Category Conveys information about a category associated with an entry or feed.ChallengeCallbackHandler JAAS callback handler that automatically provides the identifier and secret when asked by login modules.Collection Atom Protocol collection, part of a workspace.Content Either contains or links to the content of the entry.ContextTemplateLoader FreeMarker template loader based on a Context's client dispatcher.CookieAuthenticator Challenge authenticator based on browser cookies.Couple<T,U> Relationship between two typed objects.DigestAuthenticator Authenticator supporting the digest challenge authentication schemes.DigestUtils Security data manipulation utilities.DigestVerifier<T extends> Wrapper verifier that can verify digested secrets.DomRepresentation XML representation based on a DOM document.Entry Represents an individual entry, acting as a component for metadata and data associated with the entry.EntryReader Content reader for entries that is able to transmit events to another EntryReader.Feed Atom Feed Document, acting as a component for metadata and data associated with the feed.FeedReader Content reader for feeds that is able to transmit events to another FeedReader.FinderFactory Factory for dependency-injecting Finders.FormData HTML form data composed of a name and a value.FormDataSet HTML form supporting either URL encoding or multipart encoding.FreemarkerConverter Converter between the FreeMarker Template objects and Representations.Generator Identifies the agent used to generate a feed, for debugging and other purposes.Generator Code generator for accessing OData services.Graph Graph composed of links.GraphBuilder Graph handler used when parsing an RDF representation.GraphHandler Handler for the content of aGraph
.GsonConverter Converter between the JSON and Representation classe based on Gson library.GsonRepresentation<T> Representation based on a JSON document.GwtConverter Converter between Object instances and Representations based on GWT serialization format.HtmlConverter Converter between the HTML API and Representation classes.HttpClientHelper HTTP client connector using the HttpMethodCall and Apache HTTP Client project.JaasUtils Utility class to facilitate integration between the Restlet and JAAS APIs.JaasVerifier Verifier that leverages the JAAS pluggable authentication mechanism.JacksonConverter Converter between the JSON, JSON Smile, CSV, XML, YAML and Representation classes based on Jackson.JacksonRepresentation<T> Representation based on the Jackson library.JaxbConverter A JAXB Converter Helper to convert from JAXB objects to JaxbRepresentations and vice versa.JaxbRepresentation<T> An XML representation based on JAXB that provides easy translation between XML and JAXB element class trees.JsonConverter Converter between the JSON API (more preciselyJSONArray
instances) and Representation classes.JsonpFilter Filter that converts response entity of the JSON media type into a JSONP callback document.JsonpRepresentation Wrappers that adds a JSONP header and footer to JSON representations.JsonRepresentation Representation based on a JSON document.Link Defines a reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource.Link Link between a source resource and a target resource or literal.Literal Literal as defined by RDF.NodeList DOM nodes set that implements the standard List interface for easier iteration.ObjectRepresentation<T> Representation based on a serializable Java object.Person Element that describes a person, corporation, or similar entity (hereafter, 'person').Query<T> Specific query to a OData service, represents a particular HTTP request to a data service.RdfClientResource Linked client resource.RdfConverter Converter between the Graph and RDF Representation classes.RdfRepresentation Generic RDF representation.Relation Enumeration of relation types.RepresentationContext Provides access to the representation information needed by the FileUpload processor.RepresentationResourceLoader Velocity resource loader based on a static map of representations or on a default representation.ResourceInjectingApplication Application with support for creating Router instances that arrange for member injection of resource instances.RestletFileUpload High level API for processing file uploads.RestletFrameworkServlet A Servlet which provides an automatic Restlet integration with an existingWebApplicationContext
.RestletGuice Guice dependency injection for Restlet.RestletGuice.Module A Guice module that implementsFinderFactory
.SaxRepresentation XML representation for SAX events processing.SelfInjectingServerResource Base class for ServerResources that do their own member injection.SelfInjectingServerResourceModule Install this module to arrange forSelfInjectingServerResource
instances to have their members injected (idempotently) by theSelfInjectingServerResource.doInit()
method (which is called automatically after construction).ServerServlet Servlet acting like an HTTP server connector.Service Represents an Atom introspection document.Service Acts as a manager for a specific remote OData service.ServletAdapter HTTP adapter from Servlet calls to Restlet calls.ServletUtils Servlet related utilities.SimpleSerializationPolicy Serialization policy that allows the serialization of all the classes and fields.SimpleSerializationPolicyProvider Serialization policy provider that return theSimpleSerializationPolicy
default instance all the time.Slf4jLogger JULI logger that efficiently wraps a SLF4J logger.Slf4jLoggerFacade Restlet log facade for the SLF4JLoggerFactory
.Source Source feed's metadata for entries copied from another feed.SpringBeanFinder An alternative toSpringFinder
which uses Spring's BeanFactory mechanism to load a prototype bean by name.SpringBeanRouter RestletRouter
which behaves like Spring'sBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping
.SpringComponent Component that is easily configurable from Spring.SpringContext Spring application context based on a Restlet context.SpringFinder Finder that is specialized for easier usage by Spring wiring services.SpringHost Virtual host that is easily configurable with Spring.SpringResource Spring Resource based on a Restlet Representation.SpringRouter Router that is easily configurable with Spring.SpringServer Server that is easily configurable with Spring.SpringServerServlet Spring specific ServerServlet adapter.TemplateFilter Filter response's entity and wrap it with a FreeMarker's template representation.TemplateFilter Filters response's entity and wraps it with a Thymeleaf's template representation.TemplateFilter Filter response's entity and wrap it with a Velocity's template representation.TemplateRepresentation FreeMarker template representation.TemplateRepresentation Thymeleaf template representation.TemplateRepresentation Velocity template representation.Text A Text construct contains human-readable text, usually in small quantities.ThymeleafConverter Converter between the Thymeleaf Template objects and Representations.Transformer Filter that can transform XML representations by applying an XSLT transform sheet.TransformRepresentation Representation able to apply an XSLT transformation.Triple<T,U,V> Relationship between three typed objects.VelocityConverter Converter between the Velocity Template objects and Representations.Workspace Workspace containing collections of members entries.XmlConverter Converter between the XML APIs and XML Representation classes.XmlRepresentation Representation based on an XML document.XmlWriter XML writer doing the opposite work of a SAX-based XML reader.