Class ConnectorService

  • public class ConnectorService
    extends Service
    Application service declaring client and server connectors. This is useful at deployment time to know which connectors an application expects to be able to use.

    If you need to override the afterSend(Representation) method for example, just create a subclass and set it on your application with the Application.setConnectorService(ConnectorService) method.

    Implementation note: the parent component will ensure that client connectors won't automatically follow redirections. This will ensure a consistent behavior and portability of applications.
    Jerome Louvel
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnectorService

        public ConnectorService()
    • Method Detail

      • afterSend

        public void afterSend​(Representation entity)
        Call-back method invoked by the client or server connectors just after sending the response to the target component. The default implementation does nothing.
        entity - The optional entity about to be committed.
      • beforeSend

        public void beforeSend​(Representation entity)
        Call-back method invoked by the client or server connectors just before sending the response to the target component. The default implementation does nothing.
        entity - The optional entity about to be committed.
      • getClientProtocols

        public java.util.List<Protocol> getClientProtocols()
        Returns the modifiable list of required client protocols. You need to update this list if you need the parent component to provide additional client connectors.
        The list of required client protocols.
      • getServerProtocols

        public java.util.List<Protocol> getServerProtocols()
        Returns the modifiable list of required server protocols. An empty list means that all protocols are potentially supported (default case). You should update this list to restrict the actual protocols supported by your application.
        The list of required server protocols.
      • setClientProtocols

        public void setClientProtocols​(java.util.List<Protocol> clientProtocols)
        Sets the modifiable list of required client protocols. This method clears the current list and adds all entries in the parameter list.
        clientProtocols - A list of required client protocols.
      • setServerProtocols

        public void setServerProtocols​(java.util.List<Protocol> serverProtocols)
        Sets the modifiable list of required server protocols. This method clears the current list and adds all entries in the parameter list.
        serverProtocols - A list of required server protocols.