Class ChallengeAuthenticator

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChallengeAuthenticator

        public ChallengeAuthenticator​(Context context,
                                      boolean optional,
                                      ChallengeScheme challengeScheme,
                                      java.lang.String realm,
                                      Verifier verifier)
        context - The context.
        optional - Indicates if the authentication success is optional.
        challengeScheme - The authentication scheme to use.
        realm - The authentication realm.
        verifier - The credentials verifier.
    • Method Detail

      • authenticate

        protected boolean authenticate​(Request request,
                                       Response response)
        Authenticates the call, relying on the verifier to check the credentials provided (in general an identifier + secret couple). If the credentials are valid, the next Restlet attached is invoked.

        If the credentials are missing, then challenge(Response, boolean) is invoked.

        If the credentials are invalid and if the "rechallenge" property is true then challenge(Response, boolean) is invoked. Otherwise, forbid(Response) is invoked.

        If the credentials are stale, then challenge(Response, boolean) is invoked with the "stale" parameter to true.

        At the end of the process, the ClientInfo.setAuthenticated(boolean) method is invoked.
        Specified by:
        authenticate in class Authenticator
        request - The request sent.
        response - The response to update.
        True if the authentication succeeded.
      • challenge

        public void challenge​(Response response,
                              boolean stale)
        Challenges the client by adding a challenge request to the response and by setting the status to Status.CLIENT_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED.
        response - The response to update.
        stale - Indicates if the new challenge is due to a stale response.
      • createChallengeRequest

        protected ChallengeRequest createChallengeRequest​(boolean stale)
        Creates a new challenge request.
        stale - Indicates if the new challenge is due to a stale response.
        A new challenge request.
      • forbid

        public void forbid​(Response response)
        Rejects the call due to a failed authentication or authorization. This can be overridden to change the default behavior, for example to display an error page. By default, if authentication is required, the challenge method is invoked, otherwise the call status is set to CLIENT_ERROR_FORBIDDEN.
        response - The reject response.
      • getRealm

        public java.lang.String getRealm()
        Returns the authentication realm.
        The authentication realm.
      • getScheme

        public ChallengeScheme getScheme()
        Returns the authentication challenge scheme.
        The authentication challenge scheme.
      • getVerifier

        public Verifier getVerifier()
        Returns the credentials verifier.
        The credentials verifier.
      • isRechallenging

        public boolean isRechallenging()
        Indicates if a new challenge should be sent when invalid credentials are received (true by default to conform to HTTP recommendations). If set to false, upon reception of invalid credentials, the method forbid(Response) will be called.
        True if invalid credentials result in a new challenge.
      • setRealm

        public void setRealm​(java.lang.String realm)
        Sets the authentication realm.
        realm - The authentication realm.
      • setRechallenging

        public void setRechallenging​(boolean rechallenging)
        Indicates if a new challenge should be sent when invalid credentials are received.
        rechallenging - True if invalid credentials result in a new challenge.
        See Also:
      • setVerifier

        public void setVerifier​(Verifier verifier)
        Sets the credentials verifier.
        verifier - The credentials verifier.