Annotation Type Post

  • @Documented
    public @interface Post
    Annotation for methods that accept submitted representations. Its semantics is equivalent to an HTTP POST method. Note that your method must have one input parameter if you want it to be selected for requests containing an entity.

     public MyOutputBean accept(MyInputBean input);
     public String acceptJson(String value);
     public Representation accept(Representation xmlValue);
     public Representation acceptWithParam(String value);
     public Representation acceptWithParam(String value);
     public Representation acceptWithParam(String value);
    Jerome Louvel
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String value
      Specifies the media type of the request and response entities as extensions.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        java.lang.String value
        Specifies the media type of the request and response entities as extensions. If only one extension is provided, the extension applies to both request and response entities. If two extensions are provided, separated by a colon, then the first one is for the request entity and the second one for the response entity.

        If several media types are supported, their extension can be specified separated by "|" characters. Note that this isn't the full MIME type value, just the extension name declared in MetadataService. For a list of all predefined extensions, please check MetadataService.addCommonExtensions(). New extension can be registered using MetadataService.addExtension(String, method.
        The media types of request and/or response entities.