Package org.restlet

Class Component

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Component
    extends Restlet
    Restlet managing a set of Connectors, VirtualHosts, Services and Applications. Applications are expected to be directly attached to virtual hosts or to the internal router (see RIAP pseudo-protocol for usage). Components also expose several services: access logging and status setting.

    From an architectural point of view, here is the REST definition: "A component is an abstract unit of software instructions and internal state that provides a transformation of data via its interface." Roy T. Fielding

    The configuration of a Component can be done programmatically or by using a XML document. There are dedicated constructors that accept either an URI reference to such XML document or a representation of such XML document, allowing easy configuration of the list of supported client and server connectors as well as services. In addition, you can add and configure virtual hosts (including the default one). Finally, you can attach applications either using their fully qualified class name or by pointing to a descriptor document (at this time only WADL description are supported, see the WADL Restlet extension for details).

    The XML Schema of the configuration files is available both online and inside the API JAR under the "org.restlet.Component.xsd" name. Here is a sample of XML configuration:
     <?xml version="1.0"?>
     <component xmlns="">
        <client protocol="CLAP" />
        <client protocol="FILE" />
        <client protocols="HTTP HTTPS" />
        <server protocols="HTTP HTTPS" />
           <attach uriPattern="/abcd/{xyz}" 
                      targetClass="org.restlet.test.MyApplication" />
           <attach uriPattern="/efgh/{xyz}"
                      targetDescriptor="clap://class/org/restlet/test/MyApplication.wadl" />

    Components also have useful services associated. They are all enabled by default and are available as properties that can be eventually overridden:
    • "logService" to configure access logging.
    • "statusService" to provide common representations for exception status.
    • "taskService" to run tasks asynchronously.
    Concurrency note: instances of this class or its subclasses can be invoked by several threads at the same time and therefore must be thread-safe. You should be especially careful when storing state in member variables.
    Jerome Louvel
    See Also:
    Source dissertation
    • Constructor Detail

      • Component

        public Component()
      • Component

        public Component​(Reference xmlConfigRef)
        Use XML support in the Spring extension instead.
        Constructor with the reference to the XML configuration file.
        xmlConfigRef - The URI reference to the XML configuration file.
      • Component

        public Component​(Representation xmlConfigRepresentation)
        Use XML support in the Spring extension instead.
        Constructor with the representation of the XML configuration file.
        xmlConfigRepresentation - The representation of the XML configuration file.
      • Component

        public Component​(java.lang.String xmlConfigurationRef)
        Use XML support in the Spring extension instead.
        Constructor with the URI reference to the XML configuration file.
        xmlConfigurationRef - The URI reference to the XML configuration file.
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
        Use XML support in the Spring extension instead.
        Used as bootstrap for configuring and running a component in command line. Just provide as first and unique parameter the URI to the XML file. Note that relative paths are accepted.
        args - The list of in-line parameters.
      • getClients

        public ClientList getClients()
        Returns a modifiable list of client connectors.
        A modifiable list of client connectors.
      • getDefaultHost

        public VirtualHost getDefaultHost()
        Returns the default virtual host.
        The default virtual host.
      • getHosts

        public java.util.List<VirtualHost> getHosts()
        Returns the modifiable list of virtual hosts. Note that the order of virtual hosts in this list will be used to check the first one that matches.
        The modifiable list of virtual hosts.
      • getInternalRouter

        public Router getInternalRouter()
        Returns the private internal router where Restlets like Applications can be attached. Those Restlets can be addressed via the Protocol.RIAP (Restlet Internal Access Protocol) client connector. This is used to manage private, internal and optimized access to local applications.

        The first use case is the modularization of a large application into modules or layers. This can also be achieved using the Context.getServerDispatcher() method, but the internal router is easily addressable via an URI scheme and can be fully private to the current Component.

        The second use case is the composition/mash-up of several representations via the org.restlet.ext.xml.Transformer class for example. For this you can leverage the XPath's document() function or the XSLT's include and import elements with RIAP URIs.
        The private internal router.
      • getLogService

        public LogService getLogService()
        Returns the global log service. On the first call, if no log service was defined via the setLogService(LogService) method, then a default logger service is created. This service will be enabled by default and has a logger name composed the "org.restlet." prefix followed by the simple component class name (without packages), followed by the ".LogService" suffix.
        The global log service.
      • getRealm

        public Realm getRealm​(java.lang.String name)
        Finds the realm with the given name.
        name - The name.
        The realm found or null.
      • getRealms

        public java.util.List<Realm> getRealms()
        Returns the modifiable list of security realms.
        The modifiable list of security realms.
      • getServers

        public ServerList getServers()
        Returns the modifiable list of server connectors.
        The modifiable list of server connectors.
      • getServices

        public ServiceList getServices()
        Returns the modifiable list of services.
        The modifiable list of services.
      • getTaskService

        public TaskService getTaskService()
        Returns a task service to run concurrent tasks. The service is enabled by default.
        A task service.
      • handle

        public void handle​(Request request,
                           Response response)
        Description copied from class: Restlet
        Handles a call. The default behavior is to initialize the Restlet by setting the current context using the Context.setCurrent(Context) method and by attempting to start it, unless it was already started. If an exception is thrown during the start action, then the response status is set to Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL.

        Subclasses overriding this method should make sure that they call super.handle(request, response) before adding their own logic.

        Specified by:
        handle in interface Uniform
        handle in class Restlet
        request - The request to handle.
        response - The response to update.
      • setClients

        public void setClients​(ClientList clients)
        Sets the modifiable list of client connectors. This method clears the current list and adds all entries in the parameter list.
        clients - A list of client connectors.
      • setContext

        public void setContext​(Context context)
        Description copied from class: Restlet
        Sets the context.
        setContext in class Restlet
        context - The context.
      • setDefaultHost

        public void setDefaultHost​(VirtualHost defaultHost)
        Sets the default virtual host.
        defaultHost - The default virtual host.
      • setHosts

        public void setHosts​(java.util.List<VirtualHost> hosts)
        Sets the modifiable list of virtual hosts. Note that the order of virtual hosts in this list will be used to check the first one that matches. This method clears the current list and adds all entries in the parameter list.
        hosts - A list of virtual hosts.
      • setInternalRouter

        public void setInternalRouter​(Router internalRouter)
        Sets the private internal router were Restlets like Applications can be attached.
        internalRouter - The private internal router.
        See Also:
      • setLogService

        public void setLogService​(LogService logService)
        Sets the global log service.
        logService - The global log service.
      • setRealms

        public void setRealms​(java.util.List<Realm> realms)
        Sets the list of realms. This method clears the current list and adds all entries in the parameter list.
        realms - A list of realms.
      • setServers

        public void setServers​(ServerList servers)
        Sets the modifiable list of server connectors. This method clears the current list and adds all entries in the parameter list.
        servers - A list of server connectors.
      • setTaskService

        public void setTaskService​(TaskService taskService)
        Sets the task service.
        taskService - The task service.
      • startClients

        protected void startClients()
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        Starts the client connectors.
      • startHelper

        protected void startHelper()
                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Starts the internal helper allowing incoming requests to be served.
      • startRealms

        protected void startRealms()
                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Starts the realms.
      • startRouters

        protected void startRouters()
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        Starts the virtual hosts and the internal router.
      • startServers

        protected void startServers()
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        Starts the server connectors.
      • startServices

        protected void startServices()
                              throws java.lang.Exception
        Starts the associated services.
      • stopClients

        protected void stopClients()
                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Stops the client connectors.
      • stopHelper

        protected void stopHelper()
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Stops the internal helper allowing incoming requests to be served.
      • stopRealms

        protected void stopRealms()
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Stops the realms.
      • stopRouters

        protected void stopRouters()
                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Stops the virtual hosts and the internal router.
      • stopServers

        protected void stopServers()
                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Stops the server connectors.
      • stopServices

        protected void stopServices()
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        Stops the associated services.
      • updateHosts

        public void updateHosts()
                         throws java.lang.Exception
        Updates the component to take into account changes to the virtual hosts. This method doesn't stop the connectors or the applications or Restlets attached to the virtual hosts. It just updates the internal routes between the virtual hosts and the attached Restlets or applications.