Package org.restlet.engine.application
Supports Restlet applications.
- Since:
- Restlet 2.0
Class Summary Class Description ApplicationHelper Application implementation.Conneg Content negotiation algorithm.CorsFilter Filter that helps support CORS requests.CorsResponseHelper Helps to generate response CORS headers.
The CORS specification defines a subset of methods qualified as simple HEAD, GET and POST.Decoder Filter uncompressing entities.DecodeRepresentation Representation that decodes a wrapped representation if its encoding is supported.Encoder Filter compressing entities.EncodeRepresentation Content that encodes a wrapped content.FlexibleConneg Content negotiation algorithm that flexibly interprets the content negotiation preferences to try to always return a variant even if the client preferences don't exactly match.MetadataExtension Associates an extension name and a metadata.RangeFilter Filter that is in charge to check the responses to requests for partial content.RangeRepresentation Representation that exposes only a range of the content of a wrapped representation.StatusFilter Filter associating a response entity based on the status.StatusInfo Representation of aStatus
.StrictConneg Content negotiation algorithm that strictly interprets the content negotiation preferences.TunnelFilter Filter tunneling browser calls into full REST calls.