All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AccessLogFormatter Log record formatter which simply outputs the message on a new line.Adapter Converter between high-level and low-level HTTP calls.AlphabeticalComparator Allows to sort the list of references set by the resource.AlphaNumericComparator Optimized public-domain implementation of a Java alphanumeric sort.AnnotationInfo Descriptor for Restlet annotations.AnnotationUtils Utilities to manipulate Restlet annotations.ApplicationHelper Application implementation.AuthenticatorHelper Base class for authentication helpers.AuthenticatorUtils Authentication utilities.BeanInfoUtils Utilities to get theBeanInfo
of a class.BlockableChannel NIO channel that can indicate if it is blocking or non blocking.CacheDirectiveReader Cache directive header reader.CacheDirectiveWriter Cache directive header writer.Call Low-level call for the HTTP connectors.CallResolver Resolves variable values based on a request and a response.CaseInsensitiveHashSet Set implementation that is case insensitive.ChallengeRequestReader Challenge request header reader.ChallengeWriter Authentication challenge header writer.ChildClientDispatcher Client dispatcher for a component child.ChildContext Context based on a parent component's context but dedicated to a child Restlet, typically to an application.ClapClientHelper Connector to the resources accessed via class loaders.ClientAdapter Converter of high-level uniform calls into low-level HTTP client calls.ClientCall Low-level HTTP client call.ClientHelper Client connector helper.ClientInvocationHandler<T> Reflection proxy invocation handler created for theClientResource.wrap(Class)
and related methods.ClientRoute Router scorer based on a target client connector.ClientRouter Router that collects calls from all applications and dispatches them to the appropriate client connectors.ComponentClientDispatcher Component client dispatcher.ComponentContext Context allowing access to the component's connectors.ComponentHelper Component helper.ComponentServerDispatcher Component server dispatcher.ComponentXmlParser Deprecated. Use XML support in the Spring extension instead.CompositeHelper<T extends org.restlet.Restlet> Chain helper serving as base class for Application and Component helpers.ConnectorHelper<T extends org.restlet.Connector> Base connector helper.Conneg Content negotiation algorithm.ContentType Association of a media type, a character set and modifiers.ContentTypeReader Content type header reader.ContextualRunnable Runnable
That allows to define the context class loader.ConverterHelper Converter between Representations and regular Java objects.ConverterUtils Utilities for the converter service.CookieReader Cookie header reader.CookieSettingReader Cookie setting header reader.CookieSettingWriter Cookie setting header writer.CookieWriter Cookie header writer.CorsFilter Filter that helps support CORS requests.CorsResponseHelper Helps to generate response CORS headers.
The CORS specification defines a subset of methods qualified as simple HEAD, GET and POST.DateUtils Date manipulation utilities.DateWriter Date header writer.Decoder Filter uncompressing entities.DecodeRepresentation Representation that decodes a wrapped representation if its encoding is supported.DefaultAccessLogFormatter Access log record formatter which writes a header describing the default log format.DefaultConverter Converter for the built-in Representation classes.DefaultSaxHandler A Utility class which extends the providedDefaultHandler
and implements theLSResourceResolver
interface.DimensionReader Dimension header reader.DimensionWriter Dimension header writer.DirectoryServerResource Resource supported by a set of context representations (from file system, class loaders and webapp context).DispositionReader Disposition header reader.DispositionWriter Disposition header writer.Edition Enumeration of Restlet editions.Encoder Filter compressing entities.EncodeRepresentation Content that encodes a wrapped content.EncodingReader Encoding header reader.EncodingWriter Encoding header writer.Engine Engine supporting the Restlet API.EngineClassLoader Flexible engine class loader.Entity Represents a local entity, for example a regular file or a directory.EntityClientHelper Connector to the local entities.ExpectationReader Expectation header reader.ExpectationWriter Expectation header writer.FileEntity Local entity based on a regularFile
.FlexibleConneg Content negotiation algorithm that flexibly interprets the content negotiation preferences to try to always return a variant even if the client preferences don't exactly match.FormReader Form reader.FormUtils Representation of a Web form containing submitted parameters.FtpClientHelper FTP client connector using theURLConnection
.HeaderConstants Constants related to the HTTP protocol.HeaderReader<V> HTTP-style header reader.HeaderUtils HTTP-style header utilities.HeaderWriter<V> HTTP-style header writer.Helper Abstract marker class parent of all engine helpers.HostRoute Route based on a target VirtualHost.HttpBasicHelper Implements the HTTP BASIC authentication.HttpClientHelper Base HTTP client connector.HttpClientHelper HTTP client connector using theHttpUrlConnectionCall
.HttpProtocolHelper Protocol helper for the HTTP protocol.HttpRequest Request wrapper for server HTTP calls.HttpResponse Response wrapper for server HTTP calls.HttpServerHelper Base HTTP server connector.HttpUrlConnectionCall HTTP client connector call based on JDK's class.ImmutableDate Class acting as an immutable date class based on theDate
class.InputStreamChannel Readable byte channel wrapping an input stream.InternalRouter Provides the behavior of the internal router of a Component.InternetDateFormat This class handles Internet date/time strings in accordance with RFC 3339.IoUtils IO manipulation utilities.LanguageReader Language header reader.LanguageWriter Language header writer.ListUtils Emulate List functions missing from GWT port of ListLocalClientHelper Connector to the local resources accessible via file system, class loaders and similar mechanisms.LogFilter Filter logging all calls after their handling by the target Restlet.LoggerFacade Logger facade to the underlying logging framework used by the Restlet Framework.LoggingThreadFactory Thread factory that logs uncaught exceptions thrown by the created threads.LogUtils Logging related utility methods.MapResolver Resolves variable values based on a map.MetadataExtension Associates an extension name and a metadata.MetadataWriter<M extends> Metadata header writer.Method Meta annotation to declare method annotations.MethodAnnotationInfo Descriptor for method annotations.MethodReader Method header reader.MethodWriter Method header writer.NbChannelInputStream Input stream connected to a non-blocking readable channel.NbChannelOutputStream Output stream connected to a non-blocking writable channel.PipeStream Pipe stream that pipes output streams into input streams.Pool<T> Generic object pool.PreferenceReader<T extends> Preference header reader.PreferenceWriter Preference header writer.ProductReader User agent header reader.ProductWriter User agent header writer.ProtocolHelper Protocol helper.RangeFilter Filter that is in charge to check the responses to requests for partial content.RangeInputStream Filters an input stream to expose only a given range.RangeReader Range header reader.RangeRepresentation Representation that exposes only a range of the content of a wrapped representation.RangeWriter Range header writer.ReadableSelectionChannel Readable byte channel that is based on a selectable channel.ReaderInputStream Input stream based on a reader.RecipientInfoReader Recipient info header reader.RecipientInfoWriter Recipient info header writer.ReferenceUtils Utilities related to URI references.RestletHelper<T extends org.restlet.Restlet> Delegate used by API classes to get support from the implementation classes.RiapClientHelper Client connector for RIAP calls.RiapServerHelper Server connector handling RIAP calls.RoleMapping Mapping from an organization or a user or a group to a role.SelectionChannel NIO channel that is based on a selectable channel.SelectorFactory Factory used to dispatch/shareSelector
.ServerAdapter Converter of low-level HTTP server calls into high-level uniform calls.ServerCall Abstract HTTP server connector call.ServerHelper Server connector helper.ServerRouter Router that collects calls from all server connectors and dispatches them to the appropriate host routers.SetUtils Utilities for manipulation ofSet
.SimplerFormatter Special log formatter that displays the level, the logger name and the actual message.SimplestFormatter Special log formatter that displays the actual message only.SmtpPlainHelper Implements the SMTP PLAIN authentication.StatusFilter Filter associating a response entity based on the status.StatusInfo Representation of aStatus
.StatusInfoHtmlConverter Converter for theStatusInfo
class.StrictConneg Content negotiation algorithm that strictly interprets the content negotiation preferences.StringReader String header reader.StringUtils String manipulation utilities.StringWriter String header writer.SystemUtils System utilities.TagReader Tag header reader.TagWriter Tag header writer.TemplateDispatcher Filter that resolves URI templates in the target resource URI reference using the request attributes.ThrowableAnnotationInfo Descriptor for status annotations.TokenReader Token header reader.TunnelFilter Filter tunneling browser calls into full REST calls.UnclosableInputStream InputStream decorator to trapclose()
calls so that the underlying stream is not closed.UnclosableOutputStream OutputStream decorator to trap close() calls so that the decorated stream does not get closed.VariantInfo Variant that is declared by an annotated Java method.WakeupListener Callback interface when a NIO selection occurs on the selectable object.WarningReader Warning header reader.WarningWriter Warning header writer.WebDavProtocolHelper Protocol helper for the WEBDAV protocol.WrapperScheduledExecutorService Wrapper of aScheduledExecutorService
instance, to prevent manipulation of the actual service.WriterOutputStream Output stream wrapping a character writer.ZipEntryEntity Local entity based on an entry in a Zip archive.ZipEntryRepresentation An entry in a Zip/JAR file.