Class TemplateRoute

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TemplateRoute
    extends Route
    Filter scoring the affinity of calls with the attached Restlet. The score is used by an associated Router in order to determine the most appropriate Restlet for a given call. The routing is based on a reference template.

    Concurrency note: instances of this class or its subclasses can be invoked by several threads at the same time and therefore must be thread-safe. You should be especially careful when storing state in member variables.
    Jerome Louvel
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • TemplateRoute

        public TemplateRoute​(Restlet next)
        Constructor behaving as a simple extractor filter.
        next - The next Restlet.
      • TemplateRoute

        public TemplateRoute​(Router router,
                             java.lang.String uriTemplate,
                             Restlet next)
        Constructor. The URIs will be matched agains the template using the Template.MODE_STARTS_WITH matching mode. This can be changed by getting the template and calling Template.setMatchingMode(int) with Template.MODE_EQUALS for exact matching.
        router - The parent router.
        uriTemplate - The URI template.
        next - The next Restlet.
      • TemplateRoute

        public TemplateRoute​(Router router,
                             Template template,
                             Restlet next)
        router - The parent router.
        template - The URI template.
        next - The next Restlet.
    • Method Detail

      • beforeHandle

        protected int beforeHandle​(Request request,
                                   Response response)
        Allows filtering before its handling by the target Restlet. By default it parses the template variable, adjust the base reference of the target resource's reference.
        beforeHandle in class Filter
        request - The request to filter.
        response - The response to filter.
        The continuation status.
      • getMatchingMode

        public int getMatchingMode()
        Returns the matching mode to use on the template when parsing a formatted reference.
        The matching mode to use.
      • getTemplate

        public Template getTemplate()
        Returns the reference template to match.
        The reference template to match.
      • isMatchingQuery

        public boolean isMatchingQuery()
        Indicates whether the query part should be taken into account when matching a reference with the template.
        True if the query part of the reference should be taken into account, false otherwise.
      • score

        public float score​(Request request,
                           Response response)
        Returns the score for a given call (between 0 and 1.0).
        Specified by:
        score in class Route
        request - The request to score.
        response - The response to score.
        The score for a given call (between 0 and 1.0).
      • setMatchingMode

        public void setMatchingMode​(int matchingMode)
        Sets the matching mode to use on the template when parsing a formatted reference.
        matchingMode - The matching mode to use.
      • setMatchingQuery

        public void setMatchingQuery​(boolean matchingQuery)
        Sets whether the matching should be done on the URI with or without query string.
        matchingQuery - True if the matching should be done with the query string, false otherwise.
      • setTemplate

        public void setTemplate​(Template template)
        Sets the reference template to match.
        template - The reference template to match.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object